Our school library’s “Tower of Book Challenge” is still active. Here are the latest results from the 1st grade classes:
1st Grade: Books Stacked
Bischoff – 3 (How sad is that!)
Dunmeyer – 28
Hills/Teichert – 10
Nelson – 8
Vella – 24
We have a classroom of readers and I know that we can build a taller stack! To those who have started our stack…
WAY TO GO!!! I encourage each of you to participate. Let’s see how high our book stack can go!
First Step– Print the challenge form:
1st Grade Tower of Books Challenge
Second Step– Read
5 books from the listed categories
Third Step– Bring the challenge form WITH parent signature to the library (before or after school)
Fourth Step- Assemble the foldable paper book you will receive from the librarian
Fifth Step– Return assembled paper book, receive a PRIZE and begin again
Book Categories (choose any 5)1 Alphabet book
1 Story that rhymes
1 Book of poems
1 Fairy tale
1 Magazine article
1 Book from a series you have not read
1 Mystery
1 Holiday
2 “Non-fiction” books on the same topic