Here is the Homework Tracker.

Here is the link to your child’s phonics fluency stories Level 2 Anita Archer Fluency. Please print Lesson 9 and have your child read it each night. Time them for 1 minute and have them read as many words as they can. If they get to the bottom they will go back to the top and continue reading until the 1 minute is up.
-PLEASE make sure your child is bringing their blue folder everyday to school. There are passages in them that are another resource for reading I am asking that you have them read it EVERY NIGHT.
They need to be timed for 1 minute and then using their retell ropes (in back of sheet protector) to tell you as much as they can about the story.
Here are homework-fluency-instructions for help.

- Complete all 3 shapes math pages (one is on the back).
- Then time your child for 1 minute and 15 seconds on the math timing addition-and-subtraction-fluency-timings and record how many they complete.