September’s STEM challenge

Our first STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)  challenge for September was to build the tallest tower with 20 cups and it must stand for at least one minute.  Before we started to build, we talked about the engineering behind buildings and what makes them stand.  The children then each designed their own tower and the project manager chose which drawing they would try first.  Below are some of the drawings chosen:

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After drawing their towers, we then worked as a team to build the actual tower.  Each child had a role to do in the building process.  We had scientists that helped to figure out  how to improve their design if it fell.  We had technicians that measured the towers to see which one was the tallest.  We even had presenters to present to the entire class what they learned about the building process.   Below is a video of the children working in teams to build their towers:


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