
We are officially done with homework packets and baggy books!! We will no longer be sending home a baggy book, instead we will be doing the books on RazKids. I have updated your child’s current reading level in RazKids.  You can find the link on my blog under “Student Links”; hover over that tab and you will see your child’s class user name and password for RazKids. Click on “Student Links” and you will find a link to the program.  Please make sure that your child is reading the books and not listening to them. The last day of school is May 25th so please keep your child reading this month and all through the summer!! If you have questions please contact me. 

We need every student to turn in their: Baggy books (please pay $3 if you have lost the book), Sight word ring (please pay $5 if you have lot this ring), and library books (see librarian for cost of replacement). If these items are not returned your child will not be receiving their year books until they have been returned or replaced. Thank you so much!

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