Pajama Day is Wednesday

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Kindergarten is having a pajama day! 
They are welcome to wear their pajamas to school on Wednesday December 12th. 
Please make sure they meet the Quest uniform policy and if the girls wear a nightdress, please have them wear shorts or something under. 
Thank you!

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Important Information

Quest is having a school wide sing-a-long on Friday, December 17th in the morning.  In order for all the children to participate we are going to have  the afternoon class meet in the morning instead of the regular PM kindergarten schedule.

ALL kindergarten classes will meet together on Friday, December 17th from 8:30am – 10:30am.  This way they can all participate in the sing-a-long.  There will NOT be PM Kindergarten that day.

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A Message From Our Librarian

What is our Global Community?

Each year in the Q1 library, we like to encourage students to share their family’s heritage during our Global Literacy week.  In year’s past we’ve done a Diversity Quilt, which showed family traditions & flags representing the family’s origins.  We’ve also done a “Peace” wall to show the different languages in which our diverse population of students would say the word Peace.  This year I would like to display on a map where our students come from.  Show them a visual of our “Global Community” here at Quest.  By doing this we would like to know what State or Country your student was born, or if your student would prefer, where their family originates from.  We will then put their name on a “sticky” arrow & place them on the map.  I think this will be a fun way to show how diverse our student population is here in West haven, Utah. 

For responding, your students name will also be entered into a drawing to win a small prize here in the library.  There will be one winner per class.

It really is fun to see where we all originate from & have the students start thinking a little more Globally.  Also possibly finding a kinship with students from the same areas of the world.   

Thank you for participating! Here is the link to fill out your information.

Mrs. Anderson

Q1 Librarian

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Quest Academy 5K and Breakfast with Santa

We invite you to join us for these amazing events. Click on the flyers below to register online:

5K 2018Breakfast with Santa
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Fire Station Field Trip Pictures

I know this post is past due…better late than never!

Thank you to everyone that came with us! And a special thanks to our fire fighters!!

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Halloween Party

I just wanted to thank all the amazing people who helped with this week’s Halloween parties.  The children had such a wonderful time.  A special thank you goes out to Lyndsey Ehinger and Jan Smith for arranging everything.  I couldn’t have done it without you wonderful parents and grandparents!! Here are a few pictures from the parties:                                                                        IMG_20181030_100415893_BURST000_COVER_TOPIMG_20181030_100424114_BURST000_COVER_TOPIMG_20181030_100458124IMG_20181030_100509483IMG_20181030_100525329IMG_20181030_135413520IMG_20181030_135421511_HDRIMG_20181030_135438177IMG_20181030_135452003IMG_20181030_135513120IMG_20181030_135552574IMG_20181031_084359432IMG_20181031_084414495IMG_20181031_084424903



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Positive Me Week October 29th – November 2nd

Image result for its a good week to have a good week

Here is the list of dress up fun for Positive Me Week:

Monday- Hat Day
“Scare away bad health” by wearing your favorite hat!

Tuesday- Team Jersey Day
“Scare away bullies” by wearing a team jersey or t-shirt!

Wednesday- Halloween
“Scare up some fun” by wearing your Halloween costume!

Thursday- Super Hero Day 
“Scare away negativity” by wearing your favorite super hero shirt!

Friday- Crazy Hair Day
“Scare away drugs” by having crazy hair!

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Image result for halloween costumes clipart

Oct. 31st is a short day and we will be having a School Costume Parade. ALL Kindergarten students will come to school from 8:30-10:00 am to participate in the Quest Halloween Costume Parade. We will not be having PM class as all, students will be coming to the parade.  Everyone is welcome to wear a costume, but please no masks.  Parents are welcome to come and watch.

*Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.

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October STEM Challenge

Below is a video of October’s STEM challenge. Our challenge this month was to work together as a team to create a paper airplane that flies the furthest. 

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Afternoon Kindergarten Drop Off

Please click on the link below for some reminders on how Afternoon Kindergarten drop offs work. Thank you for all your help in keeping our kiddos safe, and for following our parking lot procedures. 

Link: Afternoon Kindergarten Drop Off

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