Quest Academy Fun Run

Click the Flyer below to register for this event: 

edit reindeer run

Runners and “Breakfast Eaters” can register and pay right on the following link: Reindeer Run Registration

Please share this with your families, friends and neighbors!

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Dress Down Friday-Canned Food Drive

The school is having a canned food drive! 
The next two Fridays (Oct. 27 and Nov. 10) are dress down days for students who bring at least 5 cans of food. Please do not send $1, only canned food items. Expired items will not count!

Thank you for your help in this!
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Scholastic Book Orders Due Nov. 16th


  • Scholastic book orders will be due Nov. 18th.  If you would like to give the books as a gift, please let me know. I will deliver your book order to you so that your child will not see the books.  This will be our last book order before Christmas. 
  • Just to let everyone know that if you are planning on purchasing fleece for our service project this year, Joann’s has a sale (50% off) on all their fleece. 
  • October’s reading calendar and homework packets were due. Please make sure that your child has turned in their homework. 

  • Just a reminder that this Friday (Nov. 3rd) is a short day schedule but it is not a dress down day. 

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We Need Your Help With Our Class Service Project

Kindergarten’s 2017 STEM Service Project

As a Kindergarten team, we are so excited to announce a wonderful service activity we will be doing in our classes in the next few weeks. A local children’s hospital is in desperate need of fleece blankets to give warmth and comfort to children visiting the hospital in need of care. During class we will be reading “The Quilt Makers Gift”, which is a beautiful story about a woman who makes quilts and lovingly gives them to people in need. We will then explain to the children that we are going to follow the example of the old lady and make beautiful blankets for children in need. In order for us to do this activity, we need your help. We are asking for a donation of 2 yards of high quality “anti-pill” fleece (Around 58” X 72” rectangle size). Please choose patterns that children ages 6-18 years old would enjoy. We would love to start tying blankets by the first week of December, so we need your donation as soon as possible. Thank you for your wonderful and generous support.
quiltquilt makers gift

Here are a few examples of patterns that would work great, but feel free to use any pattern you think kids ages 6-18 would like.

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Disguised Turkey

Your child will be bringing home a picture of a very “distressed” turkey. He or she doesn’t want to end up on someone’s Thanksgiving table. Therefore, the turkey needs a disguise. Please allow your child to outfit the turkey in the most creative way they can come up with (you may want to help). Any medium may be used, i.e.: construction paper, cloth, felt, feathers, etc. Please cut out the turkey and return it to school by Nov. 6th. Thank you for all your support and help. 
You are welcome to print the turkey now on cardstock (click on the link below) and start working on it over the long break or you can wait until next week and I will send them home with your child. Below are some examples of what they look like:
Disguise Turkey examples

Disguise Turkey

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Fun STEM Event Coming Up

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Positive Me Week

Positive Me Week (October 23-27)

Self-EsteemHere is the list of dress up fun for Positive Me Week:

Monday- Hat’s off to being drug free!
Hat Day

Tuesday- Be unique and don’t follow the crowd!
Crazy Socks Day

Wednesday- Be a hero and stand up to bullying!
Superhero or Team Jersey Day

Thursday- Scare away negativity!
Crazy Hair Day

Friday- Become a better you by reaching out to others!
5 Food Cans for Dress Down Day

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Classroom volunteers

Hello All!
Now that we are settled into the year… I am in need of regular classroom volunteers. 

The times I need most are:
For AM kindergarten:   each morning from 8:30 – 9:30AM

For PM kindergarten:  each afternoon from 12:30 – 1:30PM (except Friday 11:30-12:30)

Please email me if you are able to come in one of these days each week. 
Thank you so much!
Mrs. McBride
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Corn Maze

Corn maze
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September’s STEM challenge

Our first STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)  challenge for September was to build the tallest tower with 20 cups and it must stand for at least one minute.  Before we started to build, we talked about the engineering behind buildings and what makes them stand.  The children then each designed their own tower and the project manager chose which drawing they would try first.  Below are some of the drawings chosen:

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After drawing their towers, we then worked as a team to build the actual tower.  Each child had a role to do in the building process.  We had scientists that helped to figure out  how to improve their design if it fell.  We had technicians that measured the towers to see which one was the tallest.  We even had presenters to present to the entire class what they learned about the building process.   Below is a video of the children working in teams to build their towers:


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