Quest Academy Gala

Gala Flyer
The money raised will benefit Quest STEM education K-9 grades. For example, to purchase additional 3D printers, Maker Stations, and supplement after school clubs. Tickets are on sale now at the school
 or online at the following link: Quest Academy Gala Tickets

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Our class reading race

imageOur class reading race is almost over for this month and my Morning class is in the lead!!  Parents please have your child read their baggy books every night so that they can help their classmates win the reading race.  The winning class will earn a fun class party! 

Just a quick reminder, Scholastic book orders are due this Friday (March 24th) by 3pm. 

Important Dates to put on the calendar:

March 31st Dollar dress down and early out day

April 3-April 7  Spring break/ No School

May 4th 9-11:30am (both morning and afternoon classes come together) SeaQuest Field trip.
May 12th 8:30-10am (both morning and afternoon classes come together) Kindergarten Graduation/Program

May 26th Last Day of School/ Early out and dollar dress down

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Homework Reminder

ReminderJust a reminder that all homework is due this week! This assignment is a large portion of your child’s grade, so please return them as soon as possible. We will be giving out prizes for homework on Friday. 

Just a few upcoming reminders for March: 
Friday the 3rd is early out dollar dress down to benefit Mrs. IngersolL! Any amount of donation will be accepted and will be collected in the classroom just like dress down dollars! 

Friday the 17th is No School for Professional Development and also the last day of term 3.  

We will be having our class celebration for the morning class (the winners of the reading race) on March 10th. Please keep reading with your child every night so they can win the reading race for the month of March. 

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Dr. Seuss Week


Thank you so much to Sharlyn Miller (Alexa’s mom) for creating and decorating our adorable Dr. Seuss Door. She did an amazing job!

Seuss week

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Book orders are due next week, Wednesday Feb. 15th at 3pm!! Please order!

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Having fun in Kindergarten!!

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Our 100 day celebration!!

Our 100 days of school celebration.

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We are 100 days old!

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January STEM Activity

For our January STEM activity, our goal was to create a boat that could hold several pennies and still float. We talked about what makes objects sink and what makes them float.  We decided that tinfoil would be the best material to build our boats out of. We then tested our boats to see whose boat could hold the most pennies. Below is the video of the activity: 

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STEM Service Project

Our December Fleece Blanket Service Project was a huge success.  Thank you to everyone who made this project possible!  Enjoy the video:

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Q and U Wedding

Here is a video of our Q and U wedding. Enjoy!

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