Last Day Of Library

the dre library please follow the link below to access our library

Sadly we only have 1 more visit to the library. Tuesday May 10th. Please make sure you have all library books returned by the 10th and, if any, library fees paid to the office by Friday May 13th. I will be sending home over due notices as I get them from Mrs. Anderson our Librarian.

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Summer Learning – Don’t Let Your Brain Turn to Mush!

Summer Learning
Your child has worked SO hard this year and deserves to maintain or even increase his/her skills over the summer!  Here are some ideas for keeping your child learning over the summer:

#1: READ!  

No other skill is more important to maintain over the summer months.  Children who read regularly are shown to have higher intelligence and general knowledge, less stress, better fluency, improved analytical thinking, broader vocabulary, better memory and increased writing skills. Please use every opportunity (long car rides, waits at the dentist/doctor, before bedtime, etc.) to have your child read to you.

#2: Write!

Writing is “backwards reading” and not only improves your child’s writing skills, but also improves his/her reading skills as well.  Encourage your child to use best penmanship and to sound out words phonetically, and assist your child in creating complete sentences that include proper use of upper and lower-case letters, and to include proper punctuation.

#3: Math!

We learned SO many different math skills this year and it is important that your child remember these skills so that he/she can build on them in 1st grade!  Review basic addition and subtraction up to 10, counting to 100, 2 and 3-dimensional shapes, skip-counting, etc. with your child! 

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Homework Packets

Homework packets and reading calendars for April will be due (Monday) May 2nd.  These assignments are a large portion of your child’s grade, so please return them on time.  

There will be no homework packets due for the month of May.  Instead, I would like for parents to keep reading every night and focus on baggy books only for the entire month.  Reading calendars will be due on (Friday) May 20th.  So, keep reading and reviewing any concepts that your child still struggles with.  

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Early Out Friday

Don’t forget that Friday is early out day; school gets out at 10:00 (AM Class) and 1:00 (PM Class).  Friday is also our dollar dress down day.  

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This week we have been reviewing adding and subtracting for our end of level testing (May 5th or May 6th). You could help your child this weekend by reviewing simple adding and subtracting problems and writing numbers 0-20. If you have not made an appointment for testing, please do so as soon as possible. Please remember to make sure your child gets plenty of rest and a nice breakfast the day of their test. Several students have been complaining during class that they came to school hungry. I only assigned three homework packets this month so that parents will have more time to review these important concepts before the end of level testing.

I’ve had a few questions about our end of year program on May 13th. Several parents have wondered if this will be the children’s last day of school. No, this is just a fun program to show parents some of the things we have been learning in kindergarten. The official last day of school will be May 27th. Also, parents, grandparents and friends are all welcome to come to our program. Please remember that both morning and afternoon classes will come to the Q2 gym at 8:30am (there will be no afternoon class that day). 

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Scholastic Book Orders

  Scholastic book orders due   Our last Scholastic Book order for the school year will be due (Monday) April 18th.  Be sure to order books for your kids to read over the summer!!  

   Also, thank you to all the parents and grandparents who helped out with our field trip last week!!!  The kids had so much fun.  

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Important Reminders


*  This is just a reminder that our combined AM/PM class field trip is this Friday, April 8th.  Please have your child at school on time at 8:30am wearing a blue uniform shirt.  We will be back around 12:00.  

*  Homework  and reading calendars are also due this week.  

*  I sent home a parent survey today with your student.  Please take a few minutes and fill this form out and return it as soon as possible.

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Pirates of Penzance Play Coming Soon!

These kids have spent countless hours practicing and getting ready. Enjoy a family night out and support Quest Academy’s Drama Club!
Pirates of Penzance Poster

Here is a link to buy tickets online for the play Pirates of Penzance. Buy tickets from now March 22nd-April 8th for the presale price! The kids got a sneak peek today from the assembly and they are quite excited to see it!

POQA will deliver the tickets to each student after they purchase them. 

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Scholastic book orders due

Scholastic book orders due
Scholastic book orders will be due Wednesday, March 23rd. 

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Tower of Books Challenge Update

Here are the latest totals for our school’s Tower of Books challenge.  The school challenge will continue until the end of April. The winners will get awesome prizes so keep checking those lists off!!!!!  If you need more lists, please let me or Mrs. Anderson, our librarian, know and we’ll be sure to get copies for you.

Tower of Books
Thank you! And Happy Reading!  


Cowan – 32

McBride am- 47

McBride pm – 26

Richins am – 20

Richins pm – 10


1st Grade

Bischoff – 3

Dunmeyer – 40

Hills/Teichert – 12

Nelson – 10

Vella – 25

Below are four book lists. Read all the books on one list and sign at the bottum. Bring the list back and the librarian will give your student a paper book to create at home. When you bring this paper book back to school, our class gets a point and your student gets a prize. Then you can start again on the next book list.
Book list #1
Book list #2Book list #3Book list #4
 If you have any questions please feel free to ask me or the librarian. 

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