Parent Teacher Conference

Parent teacher conference I will be holding Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday, October 26th. If you would like to meet with me, please schedule an appointment on my sign-up genius below.

Parent Teacher Conference Sign-up Genius link:   Parent Teacher Conference Sign-up

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Fall Break

This is just a reminder that Fall Break is this Thursday and Friday. Please note that Wednesday is an early out day (not a dress down day). School is out at 1:00pm for the afternoon class and 10:00am for the morning class.

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In Class Help Needed

I will be needing volunteers to start helping in our classroom daily starting next week (Oct. 12th). If you haven’t already signed up to help, please feel free to sign up for a time that works best for you. If you signed up already but forgot what day, please go to the link below to see when you signed up. Thank you for your help!

AM Class Volunteer Sign-up

PM Class Volunteer Sign-up

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School Business Partnership


It’s all about the children!

At Quest Academy we believe in being an integral part of the community. We know our students will achieve more with the help and support of local businesses. We invite all interested parties to take part in assisting the rising generation at Quest Academy to succeed.

The student body at Quest Academy would benefit from local businesses in many ways. The greatest needs are as follows:

  • donating time at the school by reading with students
  • donating time at the school by teaching students college and career ready skills especially in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math
  • opening business for field trip experiences especially in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math
  • monetary donations
  • resource donations–especially those resources to assist in teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math

If you are interested in helping the students at our school, feel free to see the tax-deductible donation options: Business Partnership

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Thank you!!

I just wanted to thank all the wonderful people that helped out with our field trip last week. The kids seemed to have a great time. I will be posting pictures soon. If you have any pictures from the fieldtrip that you would like to share, please email them to me.

Just a reminder that Monday (Oct. 5) will be picture retakes. Let me know if you would like your child to have their picture retaken.

I’m still missing homework for September for several students. Since my policy on homework changed midway through the month, I will only be requiring the reading calendars for September. If your child did do their extra homework, I will be giving them a prize. in October, I will start requiring students to read 20 minutes every night (reading calendar) and 10 minutes every night for homework. Please email me with any questions you may have.

Parents please do not email me at Classroom Dojo’s or on my blog. I only use class Dojo’s once every few weeks, so I am not able to get back to you as soon as I would like. Also, I only check my blog once a week for emails. I really want to get back to parents in a timely manner, so please email me at my school email:

The librarian is asking that parents sign their child’s library book list for the Tower of Books challenge. Please sign the bottom of this list before you return them to the library.

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A Few Reminders


Just a few important reminders:

1. Thursday is our fieldtrip to the firestation. I am still waiting for a few permission slips, please sign them and bring them back as soon as possible.

2. I am turning in my book order early this month. If you would like to order Scholastic books, the book orders will be due 2pm this Friday. Please concider ordering, I get lots of free books this month if I get a minimum order again. Thank you so much for your help.

3. Don’t forget that all homework is due this Thursday! It is a large portion of your child’s grade, so please return it on Thursday.

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Thank You!!

I just wanted to thank everyone who ordered Scholastic books this month!!! I was able to reach the triple points level. Thanks to your orders, I was able to get some amazing hands on math and reading games that will benefit the kids this year. Thank You So Much!
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Scholastic book orders are due Friday Sept. 18th by 3PM

Scholastic book orders due
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Don’t forget book orders are due this Friday September 18th by 3pm. Thank you for your orders!

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School Fundraiser

Christmas Family Portrait Event 
is back at Quest!
What is it? 
It is a fundraiser put on by the Technology Department to earn money for STEM Clubs this year! For example, we are going to participate in Lego Robotic Competitions, Cyberpatriot ones and more!  
How does it work? 
We have invited Toni J Studios back to our school!  She is an award winning photographer and has been a photographer for over 20 years.  Sitting Fees can cost anywhere from $50-$300 depending on where and who takes your picture right?  Well, Toni J is only going to only charge $25 for her sitting fee for us, and guess what???? She is going to donate the FULL $25 to Quest Academy!  She is willing to take all of our portraits for FREE those three nights and give us that money.  She is also going to donate a percentage of the portrait sales to us!!! This fundraiser is so AWESOME because we do not have to put any money out.  It is straight profit for us!  
Step 1.  Please print the ticket (or check your child’s back pack, one should be coming home tonight) fill out the ticket and return it to the office with your child’s name and the $25 (you can put it in an envelope and your child’s teacher will give it to the office) – please write your checks out to Quest Academy.  Next, call the number on the ticket and book your appt.  (October 1,2 or 3) Please do this before Sept. 25th so we can get an idea on how many time slots we need those nights :). 
Step 2.  Come and get your Family Portrait taken on the date you booked.  They will be doing them in the Q1 gym. 
Step 3.  Toni J and staff will come back to Quest and you will come in to proof your portraits and order your prints.  These prints are HIGH quality and will be retouched.  The packages run from $89 -$259 and we promise you will be happy.  You can ask any of us that have used her in our past fundraisers. She has unique Christmas Cards for you to order and all of your portraits will be ready in time to deliver for Christmas gifts!!!
As easy as that right? 
Look at your family portrait at home and ask yourself if it is time to update it and help Quest be able to start some engaging clubs for your children ALL at the same time!  It’s the perfect time of year to do it and for a great cause. 
The Technology Department is going to provide a Pizza Party for the class that sells the most Sitting Fee’s.  Remember, to share this with your extended family as well, it is not only for Students at Quest. 
Thank you in advance!  We have a slideshow up in Q1 with some samples, we also have some samples in the Q1 Mac Lab and some images on FB if you haven’t checked them out yet!
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