Extra Help From Home Needed

Yesterday, I introduced the children to logging in to their own personal computer. Many children struggled with typing their first and last name (even though I had a card with their first and last name typed in lowercase letters sitting next to them). Please have your child practice typing their first and last name with a period in between their name, every night until they can do it without any help. This will help your child significantly!
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School Dress Code


Please practice with your child tucking their shirts in every day.  It is a school rule that all shirts are tuck in at all times.  Also, please make sure that your child comes to school with socks on.  Socks must be worn every day.  Thank you for your help.  

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Short Day Reminder

Don’t forget that tomorrow will be a short day schedule and a dollar dress down day as well.  

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Gingerbread Man Activity

On August 26th, our class will be doing a fun activity to help the students get to know the layout of our school.  At the end of this activity, we will be decorating a sugar cookie (gingerbread man) and then we will eat them.  Quest’s policy states that we are required to have a permission slip signed before we can allow your student to eat anything.  Please sign the permission slip below and return it as soon as possible (I will also be sending one home as well).

Gingerbread Man Permission Slip 

I would also greatly appreciate donations for this activity!  I need frosting, M&M’s, plates, cups, juice, and popsicle sticks. Thank you for your support and help with this fun activity.  Click on the link below if you are willing to bring in items for our class.  

AM Class Food Sign Up

PM Class Food Sign Up

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All About Me Assignment

This week, I have sent home a brown paper lunch bag with each student. This bag is to be filled with items that represent your child (ie: picture of family, favorite toy, etc). This activity will help us to get to know the children in our class better and start forming friendships. If you could please send this back some time this week, I would sure appreciate it. I will return the bags at the end of this week or next week.  I look forward to learning more about our classmates.
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Upcoming Events

Friday, May 15: All Library and baggie books are due! Fines will be charged. No field day participation if books aren’t paid for or returned.
Monday May 18:  May’s reading calendar is due. 

Friday, May 22: Regular Schedule Day/Not dress down: Last day to turn in late work.
Monday, May 25: No School-Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 26: Early Out (Class is from 8:30-10:00)-Pancake Party-(Supplies needed, see link below)

Wednesday, May 27: Early Out   School wide Talent Show

Thursday, May 28:  Early Out    LAST DAY OF SCHOOL & FIELD DAY (Supplies needed, see link below)

Kindergarten Field Day will be the last day of school (May 28th). This activity will be separate from the rest of the school, so we would greatly appreciate supplies. We are on our own for activities. Mrs. Richins has planned some fun activities for our children. Your child will get WET–so plan on your child wearing clothes that they can get wet, and dry quickly. NO SWIM SUITS please. It still needs to be school appropriate. 

Please click the link below to sign up for field day activities and supplies (these are pretty easy):


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Help from home needed

I am in need of some helpers to do some cutting for me.   If you are willing to do some work at home and return it the next day, please let me know.  Thank you!!

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Pancake Party

Monday May 26th, we will be celebrating our end of year with the familiar story If You Give a Pig a Pancake.  We hope you will help donate to our pancake party (if we don’t get enough donations, we will be canceling this party). I have created a sign up genius for food sign ups. In addition, I have posted a food permission below, please sign and return to school A.S.A.P.  Thank you!

Click below to view the food sign-up sheet:

We need pancakes, cooked bacon, juice, chocolate milk, plates, forks, cups and volunteers.

Please return permission slips as soon as possible. (click link below)
Pancake Party Permission slip

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Our Amazing Germs

We would like to give a huge THANK YOU to Erica Dunyon (Azi’s mom) for coming to our classroom and teaching us all about germs.  We learned the importance of not spreading our lovely germs and how to properly wash our hands. 

 Below are some of the pictures from this exciting activity.

We are rubbing our hands on petri dishes to see if they have germs on them:
IMG_6072 IMG_6073 IMG_6074 IMG_6075 IMG_6076 IMG_6077 IMG_6078 IMG_6079

We are looking at the fake germs on our hands under the blue light.  Then we washed our hands and checked, under the blue light, to see if we washed properly and the germs were gone.  
IMG_6080 IMG_6081

The results are in.    We tested our hands after using the bathroom, but before washing our hands, and then again after washing our hands.  We also tested our name badges, desk and even our computers.  The results were amazing!!!

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Help needed!!

Help neededNext week we will be doing our final testing for the year.  I could really use a helping hand pulling out kids and testing them.  I will be testing throughout the day all next week.  If you are willing to help (even for a short time) I would really appreciate the help.  Thank you for all your support this year!!!

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