A Few Important Reminders

Graduation Just a reminder that our Reader’s Theater will be this Friday May 1st from 9:30am to 10:45am. We would love to see you there. For parents that are unable to come to the performance, I will be recording the entire program and uploading it to the blog so you will all be able to see how amazing your children are. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Scholastic book orders due Our final scholastic book order is due this Friday. Be sure to stock up on some good books for the summer. If you need recommendations on books that are at your child’s reading level, let me know. Reminder Don’t forget to turn in your child’s reading calendar this Friday. If you lost the calendar, you are welcome to send a note stating how many minutes your child read for the month of April.

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Our Class Party!!

IMG_6063 IMG_6064 IMG_6065 IMG_6066 IMG_6067 IMG_6068 IMG_6069 IMG_6070
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End of Year Program

GraduationHello Parents. I can’t believe the end of the school year is almost here. Time flies when you are having fun. Our class would like to show how much they have learned this year by hosting a kindergarten end of year program. I am excited to announce that we will be doing a Reader’s Theater this year to show how far your kids have come this year with reading. The performance will be May 1st from 9:30 am until around 10:45 am (note: we will be done in time to go home at the normal regular time). The performance will take place in our classroom. The scripts will not be sent home as we will work on them in class. We want you to be surprised. Feel free to ask your child what part he or she will be doing, and they are welcome to dress up like that character. Dress-up is not required, I will provide headbands for each of them so their character is easily identified. Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks so much.

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Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conference

I will be doing SEPs April 6th through April 10thth. SEPs are purely optional for your benefit. If you have concerns or would like to have a conference with me, I will be available immediately before or after AM Kindergarten class time. Please follow the link below to set up an appointment.

April Conference Sign Up Genius

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Important Information

importantParents, I am sending home your student’s Education Plan Form tomorrow. With your child, decide what your goals will be for our final term. Please write your goal in the goals section of the form and sign at the bottom of the paper. Please return this form to the school as soon as possible.
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Don’t forget there will be no Kindergarten March 20th (Friday) and March 23rd (Monday)

No School
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Parent Teacher Conferences

I will be doing SEPs March 16th through March 19th. SEPs are purely optional for your benefit. If you have concerns or would like to have a conference with me, I will be available immediately before or after AM Kindergarten class time. Please email me and let me know if you would like to set up an appointment and what time works best for you, and I would be happy to meet with you.

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Don’t Forget Our Field Trip Friday from 8:30-12:00 (and $3 donation)

Field trip
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Special Guest

This week, our kindergarteners had the wonderful opportunity to meet and listen to an illustrator (Tammy Hunt). Tammy illustrated the funny children’s story called “Snake Stew”.  Tammy taught the children what it takes to be an illustrator, and showed the children the process of how to make pictures for a published story.  The children had a wonderful time!
Here are some pictures from this activity:IMG_5995 IMG_5994 IMG_5993 IMG_5992

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Weekly Information

  • Tomorrow is our Green Eggs and Ham lunch.  If your child did not pay for the school lunch but you would like for your child to participate in this activity, feel free to send a home lunch instead.  
  • Reading calendars are due this week.  Please return your child’s reading calendar by Friday so that they can get a prize.  Reading calendars are worth 20 points on their report cards, so this is extremely important to return.  
  • We are so excited about our field trip to the Tree House Museum on March 13th.  WE ARE ASKING FOR A $3.00 DONATION FROM EACH STUDENTS TO HELP PAY FOR THE FIELD TRIP.  All kindergarteners will need to be here by 8:30 and picked up by 12:00.  Please send a permission slip to allow your child to attend.  If I don’t get a permission slip, he or she will NOT be allowed to go with us.  Also, all students will ride to the museum on the bus.  However, if you want to take them home from there you will need to find me and sign your child out.  This is very important as we will not leave the museum until all students are accounted for.  Let me know if you have any questions. Please sign the bottom of the permission slip below and return by Friday.
    Thank you so much!      Field-Trip-Permission-Slip-PDF
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