Crosswalk Help

Hello All!
We need your help in kindergarten. It is hard for us to teach our little ones to use the crosswalk when we see adults not using it. Please help us spread the word to those that pick up our kindergarteners to ALWAYS use the crosswalk. Also, please pull as far forward as you can when picking up your students. If you need to get out of your vehicle for any reason please park and use the crosswalk. 
Thank you so much for your help!
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HeadphonesWe truly appreciate the class supply donations that we have received so far. If needed, click here for information on supplies: Class Supplies 

Unfortunately only half our class has helped out with donations, therefore I will be canceling some of our activities and possibly one of our field trips. Oct. 1st is the deadline for field trip donations after that we will be deciding which field trip to cancel.

We have started using iPads.  Only half of our class has headphones and I don’t have enough headphones to let each student borrow mine. We will use our headphones DAILY.  If your child has not brought headphones to school yet we encourage you to send them as soon as possible. We will use our headphones DAILY.  

Thank you very much! :) 
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Schools Building Schools

Schools building schoolsEnjoy these fun videos by Dr. Dave and Ms. Angelee: Quest Annual Fundraiser and How Many Items to Sell?

Quest Families,

We are excited to kick off our POQA fundraiser! Your child has been given a booklet with information about the items for sale; journals, notebooks, sketchbooks, and wall art prints that have been designed by global artists. There is also an insert that has Quest specific items designed with our own Rams Head Spirit Logo. This fundraiser not only earns money to fund our school activities, but it helps to build schools worldwide. So far five schools have been funded in Ghana, Laos, Guatemala and Mali because of fundraisers just like this one. Art can change the world!

As an incentive each and every item sold will qualify for your child to come claim a prize. These will be given out by POQA only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week the fundraiser is running. This fundraiser will run until September 13, when all forms and money will need to be turned in. Visit our school Facebook page to view a short video with our own Ms. Angelee and Dr. Dave for information from the kick off assembly. We also encourage you to visit the companies website at to read the story behind the company, and the amazing things they are doing to support artists and build schools.

We thank you all for your amazing support,


P.S. Students are welcome to keep their complimentary notebook.

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Friday Dollar Dress Down


This is just a reminder that this Friday is a short day and $1.00 dress down day. Our AM kindergarten class will end at 10:30am. Our PM kindergarten class will start at 11:00 am and end at 1:00 pm. Below are the guidelines for dress down Fridays: 

On dress down days, students are still expected to dress in a manner that positively impacts the learning environment. Clothing must be modest, tasteful, and it must not compromise safety standards for our students. The following standards include:

    • Shorts and skirts need to be consistent with QA Uniform Policy
    • No tank tops
    • No baggy pants
    • No bare or stocking feet
    • No open toe or heeled shoes
    • No clothing which displays obscene, vulgar, lewd, or sexually explicit words, messages or pictures
    • No clothing that exposes bare midriffs, buttocks or undergarments
    • No clothing assumed as gang related
    • If questions arise, the school administration, as the Board of Directors’ designee, has the authority to determine if a student’s dress is in keeping with this policy.
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Picture Day Thursday

Picture day
Picture Day is Thursday, August 29th 

Wear school UNIFORMS, no spirit shirts (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
Picture day flyers were sent home previously in students homework folders. 

You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questes2019
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)

See flyer for additional payment options.

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Field Trip Donations

Many parents have still not paid for school supplies ($30) or field trip ($10) donations. 

We depend on donations to make field trips possible. Donations cover only part of the cost of field trips (ie: busing, entrance fees, etc). We are asking that each parent please donate $10 to help cover the costs of ALL FIELD TRIPS for the school year. Please pay your donation to the school office by Oct. 1st. Some field trips will need to be canceled if we are unable to secure enough donations.

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All About Me Assignment

All about meLast week, I sent home a brown paper lunch bag with each student. This bag is to be filled with items that represent your child (ie: picture of family, favorite toy, etc). This activity will help us to get to know the children in our class better and start forming friendships. If you could please send this back some time next week, I would sure appreciate it. I will return the bags at the end of next week or the week after next.  I look forward to learning more about our classmates.

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Classroom Volunteers Needed

Help needed We are in desperate need of classroom volunteers during the week. A great way to stay involved in your child’s education and see what’s going on in our kindergarten is to be an active volunteer in our classroom. Having volunteers in my class allows me to do so much more for the students and provide a richer educational experience. I greatly appreciate and welcome any help in my classroom.
Click the link below to sign up to volunteer in our classroom:

AM Class Volunteer Sign Up

PM Class Volunteer Sign Up

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School Supplies

Well school is just around the corner! I can’t wait to see you all at back to school night. Check out my Supply List (Under Parent Info) and please bring either your supplies or your supply donation that evening. There is also a yearly permission slip so feel free to read over it carefully and sign it! We are going to have such a great year! See you all soon!

-Mrs. McBride

Back to School Night: August 18th from 5:30pm-7:30pm 

Below is the link to the yearly permission slip:


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Permission Slip Form

ImportantPlease click on the link below to access the online permission slip form. This permission slip covers permission for all field trips, class parties, donations, etc. Every student must have one form filled out and signed in order to participate in any of these activities.  If I do not receive a permission slip for your child, he or she WILL NOT get to participate.  An alternate activity will be provide.  Please email me if you have any problems or questions. Thank you!

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