Field Trip, Parent Teacher Conferences, Short Day and , Baskets and Gala

This is a busy week so here are a few dates to remember:

Wednesday, February 24th Planetarium Field Trip  Please don’t be late to the FrontRunner Station. We will not be able to wait for those who are late.  Please remember that the students and chaperones will NOT be purchasing items from the Gift Store or the Concession Stand at the Planetarium.  Thanks for understanding.

Thursday, February 25th Parent Teacher Conferences    If you would like to meet with me about the progress of your student, please email me at and we will set up a time.  We will be here until 5:30.  I would love to meet with you.

Friday, February 26th Dollar Dress Down Day and Short Day   We will be out of school at 1:00.  Please remember that if your child chooses to dress down, they need to pay $1.00.  This is a great fund raiser and the money always goes towards something for the students.

If you have not bought your tickets for the Quest Gala, please do so.  This is going to be a great evening to see some of the amazing things our students are creating, and participating in.  There will also be a Basket Auction.  Tickets are available in the entrance of Q1 before and after school.

We are still collecting items to include in our College/Jazz Sports Basket.  We appreciate all donations!

If you have not subscribed to Seesaw, you are missing out on the amazing things that your student is doing.  They post at least one or two times a week.  Their posts are not perfect, although I do encourage them to read, have a friend read, and edit before and even after posting.  If you see something your child can improve on, feel free to chat with them about it.  They can edit items at school and at home.  

As a reminder, please remember to read every night!  Reading at night is the MOST important thing you can do.  Reading increases your vocabulary, comprehension and overall knowledge.  you receive 10 points for every 20 minutes you read.
Note:  Reading about your subject for Survivor does count.  You can keep notes on a google doc  and paste links there also.  These may be used in class.

1 math game or 15 minutes on a math website earns 5 points.  You should do math 3 nights a week.

Sorts should be done 4 times a week, with a regular sort done on Mondays.
Panthers: Sort 6
uskies: Sort 5
ayhawks:  Sort 16
ildcats: Sort 34

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