Back to School Presentation

Those of you who missed our presentation at back to school night please read it over. There is some important information in here for you to know. Don’t forget this whole week is early out at1:30pm. You may walk your child to class the first day, after that we will teach them where they need to go. We are so excited! See you all tomorrow!

Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Bischoff Presentation (1)

Once again if you didn’t watch the awesome parking lot video administration made here is the link to our Facebook page. Scroll down until you see the parking lot procedures video. Like us on Facebook as well!

Parking lot video

Personality Portraits

Picture dayBell Photography will be here as we return from Spring Break on Monday, April 10th for Spring Personality Portraits. If you are interested in purchasing pictures you don’t have to do anything right now. Picture packages will be sent home later for you to review before you buy. But if you do not want to purchase pictures, please sign the flyer that came home with your student this week and return it. By signing the flyer your student will not have their picture taken and the picture packet will not be sent home. This is a free dress down day for these personality pictures. 
Thank you!

Everyone Needs A Badge

Dear Parents and Students,
Our lunch staff is implementing a new program beginning tomorrow where every student will need to have a current badge with a special, unique barcode label on the back.
We have done an inventory of students that have and do not have their badges. If your student’s name is listed under “No Badge”, you will need to purchase a replacement badge for $5 with the office first thing Monday morning and have a new badge printed so that we can attach the new barcode label before lunch.
Thank you in advance for taking care of this promptly Monday morning.
We appreciate your assistance,
Mrs. Nelson & Mrs. Hill



Valentine’s Day Information

Our Valentine’s Party will be Tuesday, February 14th from 1:30-2:45pm. We still can use parent volunteers for the party.  If you would like to help we would love to have your help.   

Valentine’s Helpful Hints:
1- We have 24 students in our class.
2- Only write who the Valentine is FROM. Do not address Valentine’s to each student (this will help the students distribute their Valentine’s in a more orderly manner).
3- We will be making Valentine pouches to hold the student’s valentine’s.  
4- To follow Quest’s wellness policy, only nonfood Valentine’s. Thank you. 

Per Quest’s Wellness Policy, all food in the classroom must be pre-approved. Furthermore, parental permission is also required for students to consume food during class parties. Due to this policy—as in years past—student Valentines cannot contain edible items. Suggestions for nonfood Valentines include pencils, erasers, bubbles, stickers, etc. Please note that such items, including Valentine cards, are in no way required.

100th Day & Valentine’s

100 days of schoolThe 100th Day of School lands on Wednesday, February 1 and we are excited to celebrate!  Each child is welcome to bring a collection of 100 items that day to school (100 buttons, 100 signatures, 100 pom poms…) It’s fun to see what 100 of something looks like!  Just a couple guidelines:  
* Please let your child only bring in a collection that they can carry and manage by themselves (in fact it would be nice if it could fit in their cubbies)
* No food items (per Quest policy)
*Please no items that have been banned (like Pokemon cards)
*Have fun thinking of a creative or unique collection you want to bring :)


Stores are now stocked and ready for Valentine’s Day.  To help you properly prepare for our in class celebrations, here are the Quest guidelines in regards to Valentine’s:

“Per Quest’s wellness policy, all food in the classroom must be preapproved. Furthermore, parental permission is also required for students to consume food during class parties. Due to this policy—as in years past—student Valentines cannot contain edible items. Suggestions for nonfood Valentines include pencils, erasers, bubbles, stickers, etc. Please note that such items, including Valentine cards, are in no way required.”

IMPORTANT: Addition & Subtraction Facts Memorization & Reflex Math

Addition and Subtraction Fact Memorization: 

In the upcoming weeks, we will be focusing on double-digit addition and subtraction.  This is a very challenging unit for kids who do not yet have their addition and subtraction facts memorized! If your child does not yet have math facts memorized, you may choose to memorize math facts as your math activity practice for the upcoming weeks of homework.  Please utilize the following links to create flashcards and work on memorization of facts up to 20:
*  Reflex Math Instructions: 
Step 1: Go to the Quest Home Page at
Step 2: Click on “For Students and Student Links”
Step 3: Click on the Reflex Math Icon
Step 4: Type “quest” in the username and enter
Step 5: Click on “mathstars”
Step 6: Click on your name
Step 7: Type “rams” in the password field and enter
Step 8:  Have fun and play Reflex Math :o)

Mazzie and Coins for K9 Rescue

Mazzie, a war dog who was abandoned in Kuwait after his service, visited our classroom to wish us a Merry Christmas and to thank us for choosing K9 Rescue as our service learning project! These war dogs provide a great service to our military and are often abandoned after their missions are complete.  As mentioned in a previous post, our classroom is collecting spare change to donate to K9 Rescue, an organization that rescues war dogs after their service.  This will be first grade’s Service Learning Project for the year.  

Winter Party

Pg58d_colorOn Friday, December 16th we will have our First Grade Winter Party 11:30am-12:50pm.  Please complete the following online yearly permission form if you have not yet, located below:
There are three holiday parties this year; Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s, 100th day, and year end activities. We are requesting a $3.00 donation for each party to help with the associated costs.  If possible, you may donate $12.00 for all the holiday parties in one lump sum.  If you prefer you may donate $3.00 at the time of each party.  Thank you for your generous donations!

Our room has been designated as the game room.  We plan on 3 different activities and rotating throughout the classroom.  If you could help during this party please email Mrs. Nelson and let her know.  Thank you for being so wonderful!