Opera Staging Day

Thursday, May 14th is our Opera Performance Day!  Please make sure that your child’s costume is ready and brought to school and they are ready to go for our morning assembly as well as our Parent Performance at 6pm that night.  They have worked really hard and are so excited to share their Opera with you.  
Opera Staging
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Opera Paint Day APRIL 10th

* Please send your child in clothes that can get messy and stained with paint,including a warm jacket because we will be outside.  They will wear these all day.  Also, please remember to sunscreen your children at home as we will be out in the sun all afternoon.  
* We appreciate all those who have volunteered to help us on paint day, and we could use a couple more.  If you are available from 11:30-3, we would love to have your help supervising a small group of students as they paint.  Please let us know if you plan on coming.
*We are asking for a $3 donation to help pay for the paint and if you have some old paint brushes (house paint brush size) you could send with your child that day we would really appreciate it!  THANK YOU so much and thanks for already sending in containers to put the paint in!  We could still use some large appliance/furniture cardboard boxes as well.  

Here is a list of the students and their parts: 
Parts and Costume Ideas

Opera By Children

Opera by ChildrenMark your calendars….we will perform our opera for parents and family on May 14th, from 6:00-7:00!  During school that same day we will present our opera for the students, staff, and faculty.  

Our scenery  “Paint Day” is scheduled for the afternoon of Friday, April 10.  I am requesting parent volunteers for this fun, busy day.  Please let me know if you are available to spend the afternoon with us.   anelson@questac.org .  
I will be posting the kids characters they picked and costume ideas this week.  

Practice singing along with our opera using your CD’s and the lyrics here: Incredible Cave Escape Power Point

Valentine’s Party

Valentine’s Party- Friday, February 13th 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Activities during school on February 13th will involve sugary foods, such as eating candy and the decorating of sugar cookies.   We are also planning to watch some short (rated G) Valentine’s Day video clips.  Please indicate below your permission for your child to participate in these activities.  We are also asking that parents please donate $3 to the office to help with the cost of cookies, games, and art supplies.

Valentine’s Celebration coming this week!  Friday, February, 13th 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.  Please e-sign the permission slip here:

or print and return the paper copy as soon as possible by clicking the below link: 
Valentine Party Permission Slip

We can always use volunteers as well. Our party is Friday from 1:30-3pm. We are also asking that all students please donate $3 to the office to help with the cost of sugar cookies and sugar-cookie-decorating materials, art/craft supplies, and game supplies.

Favorite Holiday Recipe Homework

Friday, December 12th is the last day for your child to receive credit for bringing in the recipe for their favorite holiday treat/dessert.  We will be working on our project with them all through next week.  The students do not need to bring in the prepared treat-just the recipe for it.  They also need to be marked with their name.