Homework for March 21st-25th

Hello!! I hope everyone had a great weekend! This weather is amazing! It’s the last week of March here at school, since we have Spring Break all next week. We finished up graphing last week. This week we will be starting elapsed time.

**Just a heads up for all students and parents: We have a field trip planned to the Living Planet Aquarium on Friday, April 22nd. We will be taking the Front Runner down there. Please mark your calendars. We can have as many parents volunteers to come as would like. More details will come soon.**

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 27
Group #2-yellow sort 39
Group #3-yellow sort 39
Group #4-yellow sort 45

Math hmwk-elapsed time 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-elapsed time hmwk 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-elapsed time on a number line

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-elapsed time 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for March 14-17th

Happy Monday!! We have a short week ahead! Yay for a nice, long weekend! In math this week , we are finishing up pictographs and teaching line plot graphs along with measurement to the quarter, half and three-quarter inch.

Friday is a teacher work day, so students have the day off.  We are almost done with the third quarter of school.  Crazy how time flies!  Due to the fact that we have a short week, we aren’t doing WTW words sorts this week.

**Just a heads up for all students and parents: We have a field trip planned to the Living Planet Aquarium on Friday, April 22nd. We will be taking the Front Runner down there. Please mark your calendars. We can have as many parents volunteers to come as would like. More details will come soon.**

Monday Math hmwk- pictograph review hmwk

Tuesday Math hmwk- line plot hmwk 1

Wednesday Math hmwk- line plot hmwk 2

Thursday- Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Don’t forget to wear green! 🙂

Friday-No School!

Homework for March 7th-11th

Happy Monday!!  I hope everyone had an amazing “Spring” weekend!  This weather is amazing!  We’re back at it this week.  We finished up fractions last week.  This week we will be starting graphing (bar graphs and pictographs).  

**Just a heads up for all students and parents:  We have a field trip planned to the Living Planet Aquarium on Friday, April 22nd.  We will be taking the Front Runner down there.  Please mark your calendars.  We can have as many parents volunteers to come as would like.  More details will come soon.**

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 26
Group #2-yellow sort 38
Group #3-yellow sort 38
Group #4-yellow sort 43

Math hmwk-bar-graph-hmwk1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-bar-graph hmwk2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-pictograph hmwk1

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-pictograph hmwk2

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for February 16-19th

I hope everyone had an awesome President’s Day weekend!  I had a nice break in Seattle for the weekend…Yay! 🙂 Thanks for all the parents that helped on Friday with the Multiplication Madness Party!  Also, thanks for all the donations of vanilla ice cream and carmel topping.  It seems like the students had a great time!

Don’t forget to return permission slips for the field trip by Wednesday, February 17th.  Also, parents that would like to join us at the Clarke Planetarium need to pay $6.00 to the office by Wednesday as well.  Thanks so much!

**There are NO WTW spelling sorts this week since we have a short week.**
For math, we are finishing up fractions of a set and starting comparing fractions. 
Monday-No School due to President’s Day

Tuesday-Fractions of a set hmwk 1

Wednesday-comparing fractions hmwk 1

Thursday-comparing fractions hmwk 2

Friday- Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for February 8-12th

Happy Valentine’s Day week!  We will be sharing the LOVE for sure this week!
On Friday, we will not be having an actual Valentine’s Day Party, but the students will be passing out Valentine’s to their classmates.  Have your children bring them on Friday to school.  I ask that you only have your child sign each Valentine and not write who it they are giving them to.  IT makes passing them out a lot quicker if they only write who they are from.  Thanks so much for your help with that.  Also, remember no candy with your Valentine Cards, but you can attach pencils, erasers, etc.  Just have fun and be creative!  There are 23 students in our class.  Also, on Friday the students can bring a bag or a box to put their Valentine cards inside.  We will not make anything at school to put them in.

Multiplication Madness Party-Friday, February 12th @ 1:30-3:00 in the Q1 gym
We would love any parent volunteers to help serve ice cream sundaes on that day. Please let me know if you are able to volunteer. Our class is in charge of bringing vanilla ice cream and squeeze carmel topping. Please comment on this post if you are willing to donate, so we know what we still need to buy. Thanks so much for all your support.


Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 23
Group #2-yellow sort 35
Group #3-yellow sort 35
Group #4-yellow sort 40

Math hmwk-fractions number line 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-fractions number line 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-fractions number line 3

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-fraction number line 4

Friday-Homework and  Sort and Reading Log due!
Multiplication Madness Party 🙂

Homework February 1-5th

Happy February!  Yay!  I love when we finish up January because that means we are one month closer to spring.  I love sunshine and warmth, not snow…yuck!  We have a super busy week but homework is pretty normal.  We are really starting fractions this week.  That was my bad putting fractions for homework last week.  I didn’t realize we needed the whole week to finish up area of composite shapes.  Thanks for working with me and being flexible! 🙂 Also, please keep working on multiplication facts.  WE have two weeks left to pass them all off.

Don’t forget we have our field trip this Thursday, February 4th to the Children’s Theatre and the State Capitol Building.  I will post again later this week with reminders for the field trip.  Also, we are having an exciting day on Friday celebrating the Super Bowl with lots of fun food and commercial inference activities.  It is such a good time!  I put  a food permission Google Doc up last Friday.  Please make sure you check the blog and fill it out so your child can take part in the fun!  Go Panthers!!!

Multiplication Madness Party-Friday, February 12th @ 1:30-3:00 in the Q1 gym
We would love any parent volunteers to help serve ice cream sundaes on that day.  Please let me know if you are able to volunteer.  Our class is in charge of bringing vanilla ice cream and squeeze carmel topping.  Please comment on this post if you are willing to donate, so we know what we still need to buy.  Thanks so much for all your support.

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 22
Group #2-yellow sort 34
Group #3-yellow sort 34
Group #4-yellow sort 39

Math hmwk-fraction hmwk 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-fractions hmwk 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-fractions hmwk 3

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-fractions hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for January 25-29th

Happy Monday!!!  I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!  I did! 🙂  For math, we are finishing up composite shapes and starting fractions.  We will be working on fractions for basically the entire month of February, so get ready!!  Also, students please keep studying and drilling multiplication facts.  Remember, you have until February 12th to pass them off.  Most students are doing awesome, so thanks for all the hard work at home!

Also, POQA is doing the basket fundraiser again to raise money for the Gala in the Spring. We are looking for a few parents to help with our basket for the POQA sponsered Gala in March. 3rd grade is excited to announce that we will be doing a Sports Themed Basket (or Baskets if needed) with items from the 4 local Universities and the Jazz. We will also be collecting items for these baskets so start looking and thinking about things that you might possibly donate towards the best basket!

Don’t Forget: Permission slips for the field trip need to be turned in by this Friday.  Also, we ask to for each child to donate $6.00 to cover the admission into the Children’s Theatre and to help with the cost of the bus.  If possible, this can be paid to the from office by this Friday as well.  Thanks so much for your support!

Reminder-Movie Night Monday, January 25th (tonight) at The CinePointe Theatre in Ogden at 6:30.

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 21
Group #2-yellow sort 33
Group #3-yellow sort 33
Group #4-yellow sort 38

Math hmwk-area of composite shapes 3

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-area of composite shapes 4

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-fractions 1

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-fractions 2

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!
**Short day-1:00 Dismissal
**Dollar Dress Down Day

Homework for January 19th-22nd

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!  I’m excited for another short week!  It’s much needed in January!  I hope the students were able to complete their menus over the weekend.  The students will be showing them to the class on Tuesday.  They are so cute.  I will post a video to the blog! 🙂 Also, the students need to continue studying and passing off multiplication facts.  Thanks for all the hard work!

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 20
Group #2-yellow sort 32
Group #3-yellow sort 32
Group #4-yellow sort 37

Monday-No school

Tuesday- Indicated Sort
Math hmwk-area story problems 2

Wednesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-area of composite shapes 1

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-Area of composite shapes 2

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!