What’s Your Plan?

Review the What’s On Your Plate? handout. Use this as a guide, along with choosemyplate.gov to fill in the last page of “Track Your Snack” assignment, as well as completing “What’s Your Plan?” today.

Click here to watch an instructional video on how to get started and use the website.

Then, click here to watch an instructional video on how to create a profile.

Go to SuperTracker website.

Go to the “My Plan” tab to access your already existing profile, or create a profile.

After creating profile, “My Plan” will open in a new window. Or click here.

           Why is is important to know our daily allowance for calories?

            Calories are the measure of energy a food or beverage provides—from the carbohydrate, fat, and protein it contains.
           Calories are the fuel you need to work and play. Foods and beverages vary in how many calories and nutrients they contain. o You will gain weight when the calories you eat and drink are greater than the calories you burn. The current high rates of overweight and obesity in the United States mean that many people are taking in more calories than they burn.
           Empty calories: You should limit your empty calorie intake because empty calories add calories to a food or beverage but few or no nutrients.
           Empty calories come from solid fats and added sugars.  Solid fats are fats that are solid at room temperature, like butter and shortening. Most solid fats are high in saturated fats and/or trans fats, which can increase the risk for heart disease.  Added sugars are sugars and syrups that are added to foods or beverages when they are processed or prepared. This does not include naturally occurring sugars such as those in milk and fruits.

***Using My Plan and the Supertracker website, complete “What’s Your Plan” utilizing your personalized supertracker plan.

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Brainpop Assignment:


Log in to brainpop.com and go to ‘English’:

Pick ONE brainpop from each of the four categories in English.
(That’s FOUR brainpops total)

  1. Write what brainpop you watched, and answer the 10 quiz questions.
  2. Write three things you learn about the topic.

 ***YOU MUST DO AT LEAST THREE, the fourth is extra credit

5 points for each brainpop—(15 points—but possible 20/15)

Posted in 8th Grade ELA, Creative Writing II | Leave a comment

Parent/Guardian Consent Form for Human Sexuality Instruction

Attached is the consent form for you/your student to read over. Signing this will allow your student to participate in the Human Sexuality Unit for Health II.

Please print it off, sign it, and have your student turn in it to Ms. Kucharski no later than May 4th, 2016.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the content of this unit, feel free to contact me!

Thanks for allowing me the opportunity teach your student!

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How Tobacco Affects the Body

Here is the handout for the assignment along with a couple safe and informative websites:
HOW Tobacco Affects PDF



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Harriet Tubman: Vocab 1

  1. Abolitionist- a person in favor of abolishing (getting rid of) slavery.
  2. Derogatory – negative; condescending; looking down on.
  3. Slavery- a system based on enslaved labor; the state of being owned or dominated.
  4. Terrain – a piece of land or geographical area.
  5. Bounty hunter – people being paid to hunt for runaway, fugitive slaves and return them to their masters
  6. Plantation– an agricultural estate (large farm) cared for by laborers, usually slave laborers.
  7. Conscience – the sense or character that gives a person the feeling to do right or good.
  8. Fugitive – people running away from something illegally.
  9. Stamina – endurance and strength. Resilience.
1- Know/Don’t Know/Think I Know
        + Write words with definitions
2- Pics
3- Synonyms
4- Sentences

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Spelling 7

Group A

  1. absence
  2. balloon
  3. calendar
  4. difference
  5. extremely

Group B

  1. beautiful
  2. foreign
  3. February
  4. inevitable
  5. jealousy

Group C

  1. knowledge
  2. misspelled
  3. mischievous
  4. particular
  5. sincerely

Group D

  1. twelfth
  2. gorgeous
  3. column
  4. pronunciation
  5. cemetery
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Front Row: Harriet Tubman

Read the article and answer the comprehension questions for Harriet Tubman.

Then go the the writing portion of the assignment. Respond to the prompt in a well thought out paragraph. (4-6 sentences)

Front Row Link

Class Codes:
8A- k6st3j
8B- pqte24

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True Story about Spit Tobacco

Click on the link to go to assignment. Read the story and answer the questions on a separate piece of paper. (You’ll need to hit ‘pause’ in order to read through the whole story.)

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ELA Journals 10-14

J10- Pick the top two things (from previous list) that you’re interesting in learning more about. Write a small paragraph for each regarding what specifically you’d like to learn about and why.
J11- How would your life be different without technology? Be specific. Use examples.
J12- Why is it important to learn another language? If you were to learn another language, what would it be and why?
J13- Would you ever want to travel to space if it were ever offered commercially? Why/Why not?
J14- Do you think school (K-12) should be required by law? Why/Why not?

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Substance Abuse Prevention Unit Vocabulary


Ex.1- write words and definitions.

  1. Illicit– not permitted, unlawful.
  1. Addiction– compulsive physical and psychological need for, and use of, a habit-forming substance.
  1. Tolerance– when the person no longer responds to the drug in the way that they initially responded, a higher dose of the drug is needed achieve the same effect.
  1. Intoxicated– under the influence of a drug where physical and mental control is diminished.
  1. Prevention– to keep from happening or existing.
  1. Intervention– to come in or between by way of hindrance or modification.
  1. Withdrawals-physical symptoms which occur when someone stops using an addictive substance
Ex.1- write words and definitions.
Ex.2- pics
Ex. 3- sentences
Ex. 4- paraphrase

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