Health II Extra Credit- Due 3/4/16

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Health Journals 10-13

HJ10-Think back over your extended weekend, List 5 active things you participated in and 3 times you were more sedentary than necessary.
HJ11- List 5 benefits of exercise.
HJ12- In a paragraph, assess your overall activity level. Then make two ‘accessible’ goals regarding your fitness level.
HJ13- Name 3 eating disorders.
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Media Wise Extra Credit (Chapter 4)

Media Wise Extra Credit: Due Tuesday, February 23

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Health II Journals 6-9

HJ6- List 5 daily stressors.
HJ7- List 3 major life changes that you’ve experienced in the last 5 years.
HJ8- Describe at least 3 different (healthy) ways that you cope with stress.
HJ9- Examine the different things in life that can often get in the way of our feeling happy. (paragraph)
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Health Journals 6-9

HJ6- What is a nutrition label and why should we look at it? (3 sentences)
HJ7- Discuss 3 thing you’ve learned about nutrition that will stick with you. (3 sentences)
HJ8- In a paragraph, discuss some barriers that get in the way of people eating nutritiously and exercising regularly.
HJ9- What are some benefits of using a food and activity tracker? (paragraph)
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ELA Journals 5-9

J5- Practice your summarizing skills by summarizing what you just read during silent reading.
J6- Imagine and describe what would it be like to live in one of the coldest cities in the world.
J7- Now that you know more information about what it’s like to live in the coldest city, compare/contrast that with your journal 6 descriptions.
J8- What hobby would make a good occupation or career?
J9- Make a list of 8 things you’re interested in and would like to learn more about.
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Spelling 6

Group A

  1. Centigrade
  2. Decimal
  3. Kiloliter
  4. Monolith
  5. Monarch

Group B

  1. Centimeter
  2. Deciliter
  3. Kilowatt
  4. Monopoly
  5. Myriad

Group C

  1. Decade
  2. Duet
  3. Milligram
  4. Monotone
  5. Semiannual

Group D

  1. Decimeter
  2. Duplex
  3. Milliliter
  4. Monologue
  5. Semiprecious
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Food Label Practice

  1. What is the food you are assessing?
  2. Total calories per serving.
  3. Serving size.
  4. Amount of calories if you had 3 servings of this food.
  5. Amount of calories that come from fat.
  6. Are any of the fat calories from saturated or trans fats?
  7. How much sodium is in a serving?
  8. What is the PDV (percent daily value) for sodium in one serving?
  9. How many grams of sugar are in one serving?
  10. What is the PDV for carbohydrates in one serving?
  11. Is this food low or high in carbohydrates?
  12. How many grams of protein are in one serving?
  13. Is this food a good source of protein?
  14. What vitamin or mineral does this food have the most of? PDV?
  15. Is this food a healthy choice? Why/Why not? (Complete Sentence!)
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Health I journals 1-5

HJ1- List five things you do on a regular basis to stay healthy.
HJ2- List two dietary strengths and two weaknesses.
HJ3- What have you learned abut your fruit/veggie intake?
HJ4- Why do you think portion sizes have changed so dramatically over the last 30 years?
HJ5- SI Lifestyle Quiz and analysis.
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Health II Journals 1-4

HJ1-What are some common health problems teenagers face?
HJ2-Why is it beneficial to apply the DECIDE process to big decisions?
HJ3- List top two “healthy tips” that you could work on the most.
HJ4-Discuss some ways that self-esteem can affect your overall well-being.
HJ5- What is a defense mechanism that you use often and what could you do instead?
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