My Plate

MYPLATE Internet Activity


MyPlate offers a personalized tracking approach to a healthy lifestyle. Go to:


            -go to ‘create profile’ in top right-hand side and enter information.

            -once you have your personalized plan, fill out the following.


  1. Physical Activity Target  ___________________________
  2. Daily Calorie Allowance per day ___________________________   Empty calories _________________
  3. Daily Food Group Goals:
    1. Grains= _____________________ ounces
    2. Vegetables= ______________________ cups
    3. Fruit= _____________________ cups
    4. Diary= _____________________ cups
    5. Proteins= _____________________ ounces
    6. Oils/fats/sugars= _______________
    7. Tips: Go to “tips” for each food group and write 2 tips for each
      1. Grains:


  1. Vegetables:


  1. Fruit:


  1. Dairy:


  1. Proteins:


  1. Oils/Fats/Sugars:


  1. Navigate through the website (Track Food and Activity, My features, My Reports, etc.) and pick one more thing to do. Tell me what it is you did (create goals, food tracker, look through food nutrition information, weight manager, etc.), why you chose that, and what you learned from it.



  1. In a brief paragraph, discuss changes you could implement based on the personalized information you’ve received from this educational website.



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