Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Today in class we talked about the characteristics of non-fiction text and then did a hunt for them during centers.  I am having the students review the last two week’s vocabulary so that we can test on it before the next term.  Because of this I am not introducing new vocabulary for this week.  
In science we began to discuss MATTER.  We talked about how matter is anything that takes up space and has mass.  It also has several characteristics that we can use to describe it.  We did an activity today in class where we used these characteristics to see if others could guess what we were thinking of.  This is one of the most fun science units we do in fifth grade!
I am also having the kids present their Revolutionary War hero Prezis this week in class.  Hopefully they can all get finished up in time.  We have been working on them solely in class but if they need to be finished up at home they can!
We also started Geometry today and talked a bout POLYGONS!
The IXL homework is: AA.1, AA.2, AA.3  *Remember 20 minutes or 75%
They will also need to do their Tuesday night sort work homework since we are starting this week on a Tuesday. 

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1 Response to Tuesday, January 3, 2017

  1. kerri.shelton says:

    Did he try: Quest101?

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