Please Donate $2 to the Office for Our Halloween Party!

Please donate $2 to the office to help pay for sugar cookies, and cookie-decorating supplies for our Halloween Party!  Thank you!

You may also donate online by clicking on this link:  Quest Online Payments
(please enter the amount of your choice in the OTHER box).

Halloween Party

If your child is allergic to sugar cookies, frosting, decorating candies, etc., please arrange to have your child bring a treat for themselves on the day of our Halloween party in lieu of providing a donation.  Thank you!

Homework for the Week of October 26th-30th

ONLY READING HOMEWORK for the weeks of OCTOBER 12TH-16TH  and OCTOBER 19TH-23RD, due to short weeks.

For the week of OCTOBER 26TH-30TH, there are 5 components required

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!)
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math
5. Sentence

Each week, print out the HOMEWORK FORM (CLICK HERE), which is found here or under the “Homework Form” tab above. If you would like to reduce the number of necessary printed papers, you may choose to print only page 1 of the Homework Form and use any blank paper for Tuesday’s Writing Sort and Thursday’s Glue Sort (see below).  
  • This form does NOT need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing only READING homework.  Simply initialing the form that comes home with your child’s Book Buddy is sufficient during those weeks.

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A Reading for All Learners (Book Buddy) leveled book will be sent home with your child DAILY. Please have your child read the book (or one story from the books that contain more than one story) at least three times and then sign the included form. You may supplement your child’s reading using books at home, library books, etc. to fulfill the minimum requirement of 20-30 minutes of reading per day. 

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Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link below.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel.
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it (using the grid on page 2 of the Homework Form).
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Sort and glue (sort the words and glue them using the grid on page 3 of the Homework Form).

Word Sorts: 
Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.33 PMHunches Sort: CLICK HERE for Red Sort 17
(Anna, Adriel, Deklyn, Zoey, Logan, Vincent)

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.11 PMSneetches Sort: CLICK HERE for Red Sort 23
(Christopher, Ryan, Dea, Khloee, Saidi, Aaron

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.24 PMThings Sort: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 10
(Kaylee, Xander, Tanner, London, Raya, Jaxx, Maylee, Keagan, Rowdy, Quinnlyn)

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.00.51 PMWhos Sort: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 15
(Enoch, Mason, Ava, Rock)

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays.
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.  
  • Please write the spelling words in alphabetical order on the Homework Form.   
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Write a sentence that includes two of this week’s spelling words. Please include the following: 
  • Write a complete sentence [must include a subject and predicate (noun and verb)]
  • Use at least 5 words.
  • Capitalize first word and any proper nouns.
  • Use correct upper/lowercase letters.
  • Use finger spaces between words.
  • End the sentence with a punctuation mark.

October Parent-Teacher Conferences: October 29th

Below is the schedule for our Parent-Teacher Conferences for the month of October. Parent Teacher Conference Conferences will be held Thursday, October 29th.  

If I already had a meeting with you during September Parent-Teacher Conferences, I took your name off the October conference list so that I could give other parents an opportunity to meet with me near the beginning of the school year – I hope that is okay.  So, there are some available time slots.  Please e-mail me ( if you would like to sign up for one of the available time slots.

Please keep in mind that conference schedules only allow for me to meet with each parent for 10 minutes, including transition time.  Conferences will need to be very brief, but I will try to pack in as much information for you as I can!  Please be mindful of the time constraints so that I can be timely in meeting with all the parents who have signed up for conferences.  Thank you!  And I look forward to meeting with you!

Thursday, Oct. 29th, 2015
3:30-3:40: Chersti Crawford (Xander)
3:40-3:50: Emily Rogers (Rowdy)
3:50-4:00: Deklyn Draheim
4:10-4:20: Savannah Shaw (London)
4:30-4:40: Sarah Speredon (Rock)
5:00-5:10: Quinnlyn Hill
5:10-5:20: Shane LaRue (Saidi)
5:20-5:30: Dea

Parents: Sign Up to Share Your Job with Our Class for Career Day!

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We have been talking a lot in class about neighborhood jobs and citizenship (which, of course, includes contributing as a working citizen of our community).  In light of these classroom discussions, we would love for several of our parents to come share information about their jobs with our class!  This is always a highlight of our academic year!

No pressure!
Please know that you only need to fill about 15 minutes
of time with information about your job, including time for questions/answers! The time goes by VERY quickly!
 We welcome you to share any props, tools, visual representations, uniforms, etc. to help your career come to life for the children, but these things are not necessary.  Many jobs that parents may feel are “unexciting” may actually be fascinating for students to hear about and help to give the students a closer look at the “adult world!” It would be wonderful to give the children exposure to a broad range of careers!

When you arrive at the school, be sure to check in at the office and receive your “volunteer” name badge.

If you would like to sign up to volunteer, please e-mail me ( with the date and time that would work for you.  The available days/times are as follows:

Monday, October 12th:


Tuesday, October 13th:


Wednesday, October 15th:

Sign Up to Receive Text Alerts or Sign Up to Volunteer in Our Classroom!

Many parents signed up to receive text alerts via their cell phones during Back to School VolunteersNight.  If you did not sign up to receive text alerts, but would like to start receiving text alerts, click on the link below to sign up.  You may also sign up to volunteer in our classroom.

Also: A VERY WARM “THANK YOU” TO THE WONDERFUL PARENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY BEEN VOLUNTEERING IN OUR CLASSROOM!  You have been so wonderful to work with, and you make such a difference in our classroom!  From the bottom of my heart: thank you!!

Parent Survey/Feedback

FeedbackI sent home a survey to parents who attended September Parent Teacher Conferences, but I would like every parent to have the opportunity to provide feedback at this point in time, after having completed the first month of school.  Please click on the link below to fill out a survey regarding your child’s experiences so far in first grade.  I welcome any feedback, both positive and negative, that will help me make this year’s experience the best possible experience for your child!  The survey also includes a question regarding any possible allergies your child may have to pets brought to school for Show & Tell.

Your survey results will be kept confidential.  Thank you so much!

Feel free to fill out the survey even if you already provided feedback at September conferences.  Thank you!

Mrs. Dunmeyer

Homework for the Week of October 5th-9th

For this week, there are 5 components required for weekly homework:

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!)
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math
5. Sentence

Each week, print out the HOMEWORK FORM (CLICK HERE), which is found here or under the “Homework Form” tab above. If you would like to reduce the number of necessary printed papers, you may choose to print only page 1 of the Homework Form and use any blank paper for Tuesday’s Writing Sort and Thursday’s Glue Sort (see below).  
  • This form does NOT need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing only READING homework.  Simply initialing the form that comes home with your child’s Book Buddy is sufficient during those weeks.

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A Reading for All Learners (Book Buddy) leveled book will be sent home with your child DAILY. Please have your child read the book (or one story from the books that contain more than one story) at least three times and then sign the included form. You may supplement your child’s reading using books at home, library books, etc. to fulfill the minimum requirement of 20-30 minutes of reading per day. 

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Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link below.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel.
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it (using the grid on page 2 of the Homework Form).
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Sort and glue (sort the words and glue them using the grid on page 3 of the Homework Form).

Word Sorts: 
Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.33 PMHunches Sort: CLICK HERE for Red Sort 16
(Anna, Adriel, Deklyn, Zoey, Logan, Vincent)

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.11 PMSneetches Sort: CLICK HERE for Red Sort 22
(Christopher, Ryan, Dea, Khloee, Saidi, Aaron

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.24 PMThings Sort: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 9
(Kaylee, Xander, Tanner, London, Raya, Jaxx, Maylee, Keagan, Rowdy, Quinnlyn)

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.00.51 PMWhos Sort: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 14
(Enoch, Mason, Ava, Rock)

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays.
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.  
  • Please write the spelling words in alphabetical order on the Homework Form.   
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  • Print off the weekly My Math homework pages (or you can use the copies that are sent home each week in your child’s backpack). Complete the My Math homework pages and staple them to the Homework Form. 
  • CLICK HERE for My Math Homework 1
  • CLICK HERE for My Math Homework 2
  • CLICK HERE for My Math Homework 3
  • Please also practice math skills regularly by utilizing any of the math activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Math Activities.  These math facts activities do not need to be documented for homework credit – they are simply a resource to help you practice math fluency on a regular basis. I strongly encourage you to have your child do the IXL math and Xtra Math regularly.

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Write a sentence that includes two of this week’s spelling words. Please include the following: 
  • Write a complete sentence [must include a subject and predicate (noun and verb)]
  • Use at least 5 words.
  • Capitalize first word and any proper nouns.
  • Use correct upper/lowercase letters.
  • Use finger spaces between words.
  • End the sentence with a punctuation mark.
This week we are learning about one of our natural resources: rocks!  Please find 20 rocks [most rocks should be very small rocks (about a half-dollar size or smaller), but you can add one or two larger rocks if you find some interesting ones – just please don’t Rocksbring rocks larger than your child’s fist, as they will be difficult for your child to manage).  If possible, it would be great if most of the rocks are different colors/sizes/shapes, etc., as we will be sorting and classifying the rocks by size, color, texture, etc.

The rocks do NOT need to be fancy, rare, or valuable!  Most rocks should be able to be found in your yard, driveway, or street.  Please don’t put too much effort or time into this! It is meant to be fun and enjoyable, not time-consuming or stressful!

Please have your child bring the rocks on THURSDAY in a gallon-sized baggie, labeled with your child’s name.  Thank you!

Info About the Tower of Books Library Challenge

Dear Parents,

     Welcome to the Tower of Books Challenge, an independent reading challenge for your child! Here’s how it works:

     The goal for your student is to read all of the books from the categories listed on the paper sent home, with the option of “stacking up” to other lists that will be available.  Each student will check off one of the boxes each time a book is read.  After checking off 5 boxes, it’s time for him/her to add on to… The Tower of Books, which will be displayedTower of Books outside the library for all to see.  When a student is ready to add to the Tower, he/she must complete the following steps:

  1. Bring in his/her list, signed by a parent, to the library

  2. Get a book template

  3. Fill in the information for one of the books read

  4. Fold the template & glue it into its 3-D shape

  5. Receive a prize (Prizes will only be given when the book has been filled out, folded, & brought back to the library.)

     Each class will be competing against the other classes in their grade to see which class will be the “master stackers”.  At the end of the year, the classes with the highest stacks will be awarded certificates & a small prize.

     Your children will hopefully get a “taste” of some different genres of books they may not have read before, all while having fun keeping track of their reading & watching the stacks grow.

  Thank you for your support with this!