Daily Archives: January 20, 2020

Week of January 21-24th

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I hope everyone had a great extended weekend and are refreshed and ready for a new week.  This week is an extra short week.  
Tuesday – Dibels Testing  
Thursday – 1/2 Day
Friday – No School (Teacher Prep Day)

Even though it is a short week, we will still be doing Vocabulary words.  Please continue to have your student practice their vocabulary words every evening.  We suggest writing each word 3 times each as well as reading 20 minutes a day. 

Please do not forget to sign up for Parent Teacher Conference if you haven’t done so yet.  Here is the link to sign up. 

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3rd Grade:

  1. ordered

  2. talents

  3. these
  4. water
  5. called
  6. found
  7. king
  8. passed
  9. leave
  10. twin

5th Grade:

  1. breed
  2. snag
  3. fleck
  4. function
  5. mimic
  6. tracked
  7. minutes
  8. Indian
  9. south
  10. different

Math Screen Shot 2019-11-11 at 12.54.18 PM
3rd Grade:
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4th Grade:
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5th Grade:
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