End of Year iMovies

Please enjoy our class’ end of year iMovies. I can’t believe how much they have grown in one school year. 

Allee’s iMovie
Ashlyn’s iMovie
Beth’s iMovie
Corten’s iMovie
Desi’s iMovie
Elias’s iMovie
Elijah’s iMovie
Jarek’s iMovie
Josh’s iMovie
Jaycee’s iMovie
Kelton’s iMovie
Landon’s iMovie
Lizzie’s iMovie
Maggie’s iMovie
Paul’s iMovie
Shelby’s iMovie
Somer’s iMovie
Ty’s iMovie

Week of May 22, 2016

No homework!!! Though we do have some important announcements!
  • If anyone has great pictures from the play, I would love a copy! You can send it to nyoung@questac.org
  • I am working on a DVD of the play. Let me know if you would like a copy.
  • We are working on an iMovie this week that sums up our 3rd grade year.
  • We will be cleaning out and cleaning up our classroom on Thursday.
  • Art books will be sent home this week. Not everything fit, but they still turned out cute!
  • Friday is field day. It is a dress down day, but 3rd graders are required to wear their tie dye shirts. Please make sure students are dressed for the weather and have a water bottle to keep hydrated. I would also encourage sunblock and/or a hat.
This year has been so wonderful! I am going to miss my class so much! Thank you for your support this year.

Homework for the Week of May 15, 2016

  • Last week of Homework!!!!
  • Math Sage:  Tuesday 1:00-2:00 and Thursday 2:00-3:00
  • Pirates of Grammar Island will be Friday, May 20th at 2:00
Sort and Reading Log

No word sorts this week. We will be doing review activities during centers instead.


Homework for the Week of May 8, 2016

  • Don’t forget to keep bringing in box tops! The last day is May 12th!
  • ELA Sage: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:30
  • Math Sage:  Next week Tuesday 1:00-2:00 and Thursday 2:00-3:00
  • Pirates from Grammar Island dress rehearsal Friday!!!
  • Pirates of Grammar Island will be Friday, May 20th at 2:00
Sort and Reading Log

No word sorts this week. We will be doing review activities during centers instead.


Pirates from Grammar Island

I am sure you have heard many of our wonderful songs already, but for the real thing we will be performing on May 20th at 2:00! Everyone is very excited to show their hard work!  

There are multiple youtube videos of others performing the same play if your child wants to practice songs at home! As for costumes everyone needs to dress like a pirate. I was thinking a simple one would be a white button down shirt or striped t-shirt, black pants, and some pirate gear. To make it fancier you could get a vest, maybe a sash around the waist, a hat. Any and all accessories would be appreciated!! If you have extras we would love to borrow some. Some students have other parts and costumes and I have talked to them about it already.  Our dress rehearsal is going to be May 13th. We will need costumes before then. Let me know if you have any questions! Here is the link to the form. 
imgres-1 imgres

Homework for the Week of May 1, 2016

  • Don’t forget to keep bringing in box tops! The last day is May 12th!
  • We will be tie-dying shirts this week.
  • Pirates of Grammar Island will be Friday, May 20th at 2:00
Sort and Reading Log

No Word Sorts This Week
