Homework for Week September 12th-16th

This is to help you keep track of everything that is required each night for homework this week. 

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!)
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math
5. Animal Report

Each week, print out the homework-tracker which is found here  This form does NOT need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing ONLY READING homework. PLEASE right your child’s name at the top of this tracker. 

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Your child is required to read 20 minutes every night. This could include Raz Kids, reading books at home or our fluency passage. Here is the link to your child’s phonics-fluency-stories sheet. Please print Lesson 4 and have your child read it each night. Time them for 1 minute and have them read as many words as they can. If they get to the bottom they will go back to the top and continue reading until the 1 minute is up. Soon I will have some students doing harder passages based on where they get with reading buddies coming up. This is just to start getting into a routine. Attach this to your homework tracker. 

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Here is the word sort to print : red-sort-12   

For this sort they will match the picture with the word. They need to say each word out loud while sorting. 
Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link above.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel.
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it on the back of the homework tracker. 
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Speed Sort: Time your students three times doing their word sorts and record it on the homework tracker. 

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays. There are no review words this week. 
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.   
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Please have your child write these words on the days given. This way they get more practice with them. Thanks!

Monday-Tuesday             Wednesday-Thursday    

people                                            on 
school                                           was
water                                              he
little                                                see
rip                                                  sad

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  • Complete the 3 My Math homework pages all the ODDS.
  • Then time your child for 1 minute and 15 seconds on the math timing threes-timing and record how many they complete. You may use a sheet protector to have them use the same one each day and wipe off.  You record how many they did on the homework tracker. 


Reports are not due until Friday September 23rd but you can get them started on them. 

To get the kids excited about the zoo we are going to do an animal report. I had the kids pick an animal they could find at the zoo when we go.  Below is the animal your child chose.

Click here to learn about your animal on the Hogle Zoo website: 
Meet the Hogle Zoo Animals. 
Here is another fun animal website: 

Encourage your child to use their best handwriting. The reports will be shared with the class on Friday, September 23rd. This will give them a chance to find their animal at the zoo as well.  Your child may find it beneficial to practice reading their report to you prior to reading it for our class.  

Click here to 
print additional report formsMy Animal Report

Your child’s Animal: 

Peyton: Amur Leopard
Danika: Giraffe 
Daxton: Bald Eagle
Isla: African Pancake Tortoise
Ella: Grey Wolf
Dayzi: Polar Bear
Koli: Mexican Red Kneed Tarantula
Sam: Grey Wolf
Kyan: African Porcipine
Isaac: Bobcat
Norah: Snow Leopard
Garrett: Scorpion
Camden: Polar Bear
Kyler: Shiner Perch
Matt: Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra
Preston: Grizzly Bear
Madi: Peafowl
Mia: Black-footed cat
Maxwell: Rubber Boa
Connor: Bald Eagle
Brooklyn: Lilac-breasted Roller
Kirtlyn: Orange WInged Amazon
Kasen: Tarantula
Titan: Bat-eared Fox

-Mrs. Bischoff

Parent Teacher Conferences

On Thursday September 29th we will have our first Parent Teacher Conferences. Here is the schedule so far and what I have available. Please only sign up once either in September or October so that I can meet with everyone at the beginning of the year. 

Please email me if you would like to schedule a time. Thanks!

September 29th 
3:30 Dayzi
3:40 Brooklyn
3:50 Isla
4:00 Kirtlyn
4:30 Danika
4:40 Preston
5:00 Peyton
5:20 Isaac
5:30 Maxwell 

Raz-Kids Passwords

For some reason when Mrs. Mindrum added students to Raz-Kids it had them have a password. If your child has had a password or passcode come up here is the picture for them to click on to get in. 

Camden: Duck
Daxton: Turtle
Kasen: Watermelon
Koli: Car
Mathew: Truck
Mia: Truck
Titan: Train

Sorry it took so long to get you these! Hopefully it won’t ask for them again if it does you will have them. Thanks!



We finally heard back from the Hogle Zoo. We were not able to get Friday the 16th due to bus conflicts.  However, Our new field trip date is confirmed and scheduled for Thursday September 22nd! We will be leaving the school at 9am and getting on the buses at the Hogle Zoo to come back to the school at 1pm. So hopefully this works with some of your schedules. 

If you are able to come and volunteer please send me an email. The first 5 people to respond saying that they want to ride the bus will have the opportunity to ride with us. The rest will need to drive separately. Younger siblings can come with you as long as you drive separate and plan on paying for them. 

Please plan on students wearing red shirts and uniform pants to the zoo with good walking shoes. Let me know if you have any questions. More information about lunches and other details to come. 


Homework for Week September 5th-9th

This week on the homework syllabus says only Reading homework. Here is the reading tracker. Weekly-Reading-Log. Homework will be due Friday September 9th. 

Here is the class password to get onto RAZ-KIDS if your child would like to read online as well. Go to questac.org, click on for students, then student links. Under there find RAZ-KIDS. Then put in my password qbischoff and have your child find their name. 

However I would like to add a little bit of math to get them practicing at home as well. 

                                                   Math Timings
Attatched is the math timing sheet we use in class. If you will time your child for 1 minute 15 seconds. They should be able to eventually complete all 25 problems in that amount of time. Please do this two times each night. 

Three’s Timing
Have your child also complete the 3 math pages this week, one each night. Only have them do all the odd problems. These were our math lessons from last week so it should all be review. They should have no problem doing this on their own. If they seem to struggle with it please let me know. 

                                                   Prodigy Math
For this week here is also an OPTIONAL online math game that your child can do at their own pace. Once you help your child practice logging on, they should be able to do it themselves. Especially if you write down their login information and keep it by the computer. From what I understand this is like a video game but the problems get harder based on their answers. Have your child practice for 5-10 minutes or so. 

Go to: prodigygame.com 

 Prodigy Passwords


We got a phone call this morning from Hogle Zoo stating that they have some maintenance they had to schedule for next week and they will not be accepting field trip groups until the following week. Currently we have requested to reschedule the field trip for Friday September 16th. However, we have not been told that, that date is for sure.

I apologize for the reschedule and we ask that those who were planning to come look at their calendars for the 16th and keep that date opened, and I will let you know as soon as the Hogle Zoo gets back with us. 

Baggy Books/ Field Trip


I just sent home their FIRST baggy book tonight. Mrs. Dunmeyer was so kind enough to let me try them out this year. While it is my first year doing these books as well as the students may have been nervous when I called them back to read with me they may have a book that you feel is WAY to easy or to difficult. If this is the case will you please just write on a sticky note and when you send it with your child tomorrow I will reevaluate your child’s book. Please read the parent letter and BE VERY CAREFUL with these books. As they are not mine I will have to charge a $35 dollar fee to replace her books for her. 

field trip

Tuesday September 6th will be our first field trip to the zoo. It will be from 9am-1pm.
We NEED donations!
We asked for $15 dollars to cover the whole years field trips. If you could please send that with your child to the office that would be appreciated. If the full $15 is not possible right now please at least pay 5 to pay for this field trip. WE WILL NOT be able to go without these donations. The cost to get a bus to go is very pricy and we will have to postpone the trip if donations are not received. Please pay the office by Friday September 2nd or online under field trips. 

 The following parents I have down for riding the bus and I have no more room for other parents unless you want to drive separate. If you can no longer ride the bus will you please email me. Your child does have to come to school and ride the bus. You can’t take your child separately with you in your car. 

Bus Riders:

Amanda Taylor
London Malmrose
Karlie Tippets
Bobbie Davis
Erick or Tabitha Grahn

Driving Themselves: 

Rochelle O’Toole
Jessica Mikesell
Heather Seeley
Michelle Hutchens

Reading Strategies

Good Detectives use Reading Strategies!
Eagle eyeLast week we introduced our first reading strategy, EAGLE EYE.  When reading if you don’t know a word, what can you do?  Look at the pictures for a clue.  

 Anytime your student is reading remind them to practice their EAGLE EYE strategy when they come to a word they do not know, look at the picture for clue.  

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This week we started our second
reading strategy which was
Today we used slinkys to help us stretch the sounds and sound out words. Have your child practice these two strategies when reading their 20 minutes a night at home! 

More strategies to come…. 

Homework for Week August 29th-September 2nd

This upcoming week for homework we will only have reading homework. Please print out the reading tracker below and read with your child 20 minutes every night! Homework will be due every Friday. So please record any reading done the weekend before homework is due.

For example this weeks homework will be due on Friday September 2nd. So if I were tracking my reading I would put this weekends reading the August 27-28th on that reading log. Please have your child’s reading log in their blue folder and I will collect them. 

I will hopefully have either a reading passage or a baggy book ready for your child to take home starting either Monday or Tuesday to give them something different to read at home. I will post more about that as soon as I get them ready. Thanks! 
