Library Tomorrow

Tomorrow we have library! Don’t forget to find all your books and return them. Next week May 10th will be our last day for library! All books will need to be returned or paid for or your child will not be able to participate in field day this year. 

Baggy Books

Just another reminder to get all baggy books turned in! So far I have received books from the following students: 


Remind your child to turn it in if they brought today and forgot! Thanks!

Homework for week May 1-5th

This week is a reading only week. Please have your child read 20 minutes each night. Here is another reading passage you can have your child read and then have them retell the story to you. Here is the reading only tracker. Reading only


You may also continue to read the Level 2 Anita Archer Fluency. Please print Lesson 14 and have your child read it each night. Time them for 1 minute and have them read as many words as they can. If they get to the bottom they will go back to the top and continue reading until the 1 minute is up. 

I have noticed A LOT of absences lately. I am still teaching and even after I have the baby I have A LOT of stuff planned for review for end of year testing. Please make sure your child is here and ready to learn. Don’t forget to turn in your baggy book this week. Any books not returned is a $35 fee. 

Here is a list of all first grade sight words. Your child will have to spell them all at the end of the year. So practice spelling them at home. High-Frequency-Words

School Pictures

Hey the latst school pictures are here. If you would like to view your child’s picture to hopefully buy them feel free to send me an email and I will send them home with your child. You will need to look over them and either send payment for the office or return the pictures. If you don’t want to view them or buy them I will keep them and return them. Thanks!

Baggy Books/Homework

Hey parents,

So that I can gather up all the baggy books and make sure they are all accounted for I am asking that all baggy books are turned in by Monday May 1st. I will be posting extra readings for you to either print or read online. You also have access to Raz-Kids, if you don’t have your childs password I will get it to you. Homework will be only reading homework starting next week. Just as a heads up I will pass out new reading passages Monday because I will not be here this Friday. 


Homework for Week April 24-28th

Here is the Homework Tracker

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Here is the link to your child’s phonics fluency stories Level 2 Anita Archer Fluency. Please print Lesson 13 and have your child read it each night. Time them for 1 minute and have them read as many words as they can. If they get to the bottom they will go back to the top and continue reading until the 1 minute is up. 

 -PLEASE make sure your child is bringing their blue folder everyday to school. There are passages in them that are another resource for reading I am asking that you have them read it EVERY NIGHT. 

They need to be timed for 1 minute and then using their retell ropes (in back of sheet protector) to tell you as much as they can about the story. 
Here are homework-fluency-instructions for help. 

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  • Complete all the ODD problems for the My Math Homework pages.  
  • Then time your child for 1 minute and 15 seconds on the math timing addition-and-subtraction-fluency-timings and record how many they complete. 
*Everyone is on Subtraction 9 unless your child tells you differently. They pass them off so quickly they will know which one they are on. If they don’t know please email me and I can tell you. 

Here are the math timings for those who have gotten all the way through twice. 
0-18 facts

 Screen Shot 2017-01-26 at 4.37.10 PM

Here is a list of our spelling words this week for those of you who would still like to review/ practice at home. 


Sentence: Write your name first. 

Here is a list of all first grade sight words. Your child will have to spell them all at the end of the year. So practice spelling them at home. High-Frequency-Words