Weekly Information

  • Tomorrow is our Green Eggs and Ham lunch.  If your child did not pay for the school lunch but you would like for your child to participate in this activity, feel free to send a home lunch instead.  
  • Reading calendars are due this week.  Please return your child’s reading calendar by Friday so that they can get a prize.  Reading calendars are worth 20 points on their report cards, so this is extremely important to return.  
  • We are so excited about our field trip to the Tree House Museum on March 13th.  WE ARE ASKING FOR A $3.00 DONATION FROM EACH STUDENTS TO HELP PAY FOR THE FIELD TRIP.  All kindergarteners will need to be here by 8:30 and picked up by 12:00.  Please send a permission slip to allow your child to attend.  If I don’t get a permission slip, he or she will NOT be allowed to go with us.  Also, all students will ride to the museum on the bus.  However, if you want to take them home from there you will need to find me and sign your child out.  This is very important as we will not leave the museum until all students are accounted for.  Let me know if you have any questions. Please sign the bottom of the permission slip below and return by Friday.
    Thank you so much!      Field-Trip-Permission-Slip-PDF
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