Author Archives: stacey.mcbride

Field Trip Donations Due Oct. 1st

Many parents have still not paid for school supplies ($30) or field trip ($10) donations. Just a reminder that all field trip donations are needed by the end of next week! We will be deciding if we have enough money to … Continue reading

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Quest Academy Fundraiser

We are selling Cookie Dough to help fund awesome things for our awesome students! Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, sports, field day, field trips, library books, and more.  We sent home order forms today … Continue reading

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Dollar Dress Down Friday

This is just a reminder that this Friday is a short day and $1.00 dress down day. Students have the option to donate $1 to dress outside of uniform. Morning Kindergarten will begin at 8:30am and end at 10:30am. Afternoon Kindergarten will … Continue reading

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Solar Eclipse Monday

The solar eclipse will be taking place on Monday.  The event begins at 10:13 and peaks at 11:33 and will continue until about 1:00.  Since we will be in class during this time we want to make it a great … Continue reading

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Picture Day Monday

Just a quick reminder that Monday, August 21st is picture day. I have order forms in my classroom in case you want to buy pictures. Just drop by my classroom and pick one up on Monday or order online.

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Last Days of Kindergarten

Field Day Tomorrow-Dress Down in clothing that will dry quickly. The clothing still needs to be school approved clothing. T-shirts and shorts are fine. We won’t get soaked, but we will get wet. Sunscreen is a really good idea too.  It … Continue reading

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This week and next week we will be testing our students on adding and subtracting, 2D and 3D shapes, and counting to 100. Please review these concepts with your child each night. Thank you for your help and support from … Continue reading

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Parents who are volunteering for our field trip tomorrow please come to school 20 minutes early and pay your $5 to the office of admission. Thank you so much for your help!Just a reminder, April’s reading calendar and homework packets … Continue reading

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Reading Race Party

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is our Reading Race Party!! Friday is also a dollar dress down day and a short day schedule. Your child is welcome to wear their pajamas and bring a stuffed animal on Friday as … Continue reading

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Dollar Dress Down and Homework Reminder

Also, homework and reading calendars for March are due this week. Please make sure your child has turned in their homework. I will send out emails of missing homework. 

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