August 26-30

Image result for beginning of the school year quotes
Important Dates:

August 26 – Christian’s Birthday!  
                     First full day of school! 3:00 dismissal
August 28 – STEM

August 29 – Coding
                      School pictures for the yearbook, regular uniform required
August 30 – Dollar Dress Down
                      Early Release, 1:00 dismissal
September 2 – Labor Day; NO SCHOOL!

  • We had a wonderful first week of school! I have such a sweet, smart and eager-to-learn class.
  • If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
  • We will hit the ground running this week- be rested and ready!
  • Make sure that your child is reading AT LEAST 20 minutes per day.
  • Please subscribe to this blog. It is my primary form of communication to you!
***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is XRCRTB


We will be using what we know about place value to round numbers to the nearest Ten and Hundred. The Family Letter is below for information and a fun at-home activity.
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This week we start our Wonders reading program. Our stories are “Bruno’s New Home” and “Wolf!”The comprehension strategy that we are focusing on is Visualization. By using this strategy, we should be able to create our own image of what is happening in a story- it’s a movie in our minds! The more descriptive the text, the more detailed our mental image can be. We will be focusing on the phonetic patterns of the short ‘a’ and ‘i’.

This is going to be an exciting year!

Back to School Night

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Back to School Night is Friday, August 16th, from 5:30 – 7:30!

I am excited to share information about our school policies, classroom disclosure and procedures. I will begin each information session on the half hour and you are welcome to attend at any of the following times.


          If the door has been closed, the session has begun and I ask that you join us at the next session, so you do not miss any important information.

Remember to bring headphones if you are able, do not bring any other school supplies.  All other school supplies will be provided, please leave a $30 donation at the office, if you are able.  Everything is ready and labeled for each student to keep our classroom organized, and to teach responsibility.  
Thank you!

Mrs. Brown