Week of August 30

What a great group of students! I am already seeing their fun personalities start to emerge and have enjoyed getting to know them better during these first few days of school!

Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it in the office or online under “Current Families.” Choose “Online Payments” and enter “Mrs. Brown” and the amount.

Please subscribe to our class blog. You can do this by clicking on the SUBSCRIBE image on the top, right-hand side of our blog.


  • Tuesday, Aug, 31st – Picture Day!
  • Friday, Sept. 3rd – In-School Field Trip with Thanksgiving Point
  • Monday, Sept 6th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, Sept 24th – Dollar Dress Down Day

Math: This week we will continue to practice rounding, but will also move onto adding three-digit numbers. Below is the family letter from our math workbook that explains what we are doing in class. On the second page of the letter, there is an activity to help students with adding three-digit numbers. You are not required to do the activity, it is just a suggestion if you would like your child to practice at home.

ELA: We will continue working on the same lesson in Wonders as we did last week. We are also finishing up our Reading Diagnostic in iReady.

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Week of August 23rd

We had an amazing first three days of school. Your children already have a special place in my heart and I am so excited for the school year. To help you keep on top of what we are doing in class, I will be posting what we will do every week. Here you will find what we are working on in Math, ELA, and other going ons in our class. I will also post important dates that you will need to remember.

Just a reminder, if you have not paid your $30.00 donation for school supplies you can pay it to the office. Also, if you have not signed up for BLOOMZ, please do so ASAP. Our class code is: S7CE2T. PLEASE SIGN UP!! Click here for directions on how to sign-up for BLOOMZ. You also need to subscribe to our class blog. You can do this by clicking on the subscribe button on the right-hand side of our blog.


  • Thursday, Aug. 26th – Short Day
  • Friday, Aug. 27th – NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, Aug, 31st – Picture Day! More details to come soon!
  • Friday, Sept. 3rd – In-School Field Trip with Thanksgiving Point- Stay tuned for more details
  • Monday, Sept 6th – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL

MATH: We will start lesson 1 this week which is rounding. This concept is very hard for 3rd graders to master so we will be practicing this skill all year. Below is the family letter explaining how we round and it includes an activity that helps with rounding. If you would like to give your child extra practice with rounding, this activity would be an excellent option to use. I will be sending home the letter with your child on Monday. This week we will also start our i-Ready Math Diagnostic.

ELA: For the next two weeks we will be working on week 1 in our Wonders program. Below is an outline of what we are learning in class. We will also start our i-Ready Reading Diagnostic.

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3rd Grade at Last!!!

Hello! I hope that you are having a fantastic summer so far and are getting ready for an amazing school year.  I am so EXCITED to have your child in my class this year and I can’t wait to get started.  Back to School Night will be on August 16th and our first day of school will be on August 18th.  The first three days are early out days with dismissal at 1:00.  I am looking forward to meeting all of you.  Here are a few things that you can do to get a jump start on the school year:

  • Blog:  Sign up to follow this blog.  This is on the right-hand side of this page.  Once you enter your email, you will receive an email asking you to verify your email address.  Please do this or you will not be following our class blog.
  • Bloomz Apps:  Use the following link for instructions to connect to our class using the Bloomz App.  I will use this throughout the year to communicate with parents along with the blog.  I use Bloomz a lot so please sign up for this amazing app!  – Bloomz App
  • Class Disclosure Statement: Read and sign the class disclosure statement. – Class Disclosure Statement
  • Parent Survey:  The following link is a short survey to help me get to know your child better.  Please take a few moments to fill it out. – Parent Survey
  • Supply List:  I am asking for money donations in the amount of $30.00 instead of you buying your child’s supplies.  This means that I do all the shopping, labeling, and organizing.  Awesome, right? One less thing that you have to worry about.  However, this does not cover headphones.  Please send those in with your child on the first day of school.  You can click on the Parent Info tab above, or click the link, to find out what your $30.00 will cover. – Supply Link
  • Food Permission Form: This is a blanket food permission form for the entire school year.  The food items on this list are ones that we have used regularly in the past for class parties and for math, science, and ELA lessons.  Please check all of the items that your child can have.  There is a box for substitution suggestions if your child cannot have items on the list.  –Food Permission Form

One way that you can help your child over the summer is to READ!!! It is so important to have your child read every day for 20 minutes.

Last Week of School!

I can’t not believe that this is our last weekly post for the year. I am blown away with how fast the year has gone by. We have survived a crazy school year and I am so amazed and proud with how each student handled this insane year. This year is definitely one for the books!

We have a fantastic and fun-filled week ahead of us. Please keep reading for all of the fun details.

Last Friday I sent home our tie dye t-shirts. If you have not washed them yet, please do so asap. Just rinse with water, cut off the rubber bands, wash and dry. Easy Peasy! I am excited to see how they all turned out. Please have your child wear their t-shirt to our field day.

Masks – The governor has lifted the mask mandate for the last week of school. Masks are now optional this week.

We have finished all of our end of level testing and the students did great. This week I will be sending home report cards, diagnostic results from i-Ready, and SEP forms. Please be on the look out for those items and let me know if you have any questions. I will also be sending home other odds and ends that students have collected throughout the year. Please make sure that they bring a backpack everyday.

FIELD DAY – Thank you for getting field day permission forms turned in. We are going to have a great day and I know that we are going to have a blast. Many parents commented that they could help bring supplies if needed. Well, it is needed. 🙂 Below is a link for items that the 3rd grade classes need in order to pull off our field day. Please sign up for whatever you can help us out with and send the items with your child on the day of our field day. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080D4DADAB2CABF58-field

Our Last Week of School

  • Monday, 5/24 – V DAY
  • Wednesday, 5/26 – X DAY – Talent Show & Early Out
  • Thursday, 5/27 – Y DAY – Field Day at Stonefield Park & Early Out – Free Dress Day
  • Friday, 5/28 – Z DAY – HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKAS!!! Last Day of School & Early Out – Free Dress Day

Tye Die

Hello Parents, 

Tomorrow the third graders will tie-dye t-shirts (that we provide) and we will need your help to finish this fun project. Students will be bringing their wet, tie-dyed t-shirts home, in a plastic bag. All you need to do is the three easy steps below to help us out.

STEP 1: Rinse in warm water and then gradually cool water until rinse water begins to run clear.

STEP 2: Carefully remove rubber bands with a scissors and unfold the fabric.

STEP 3:  Wash in warm water with a mild detergent, rinse and dry. You might want to wash with an old towel and nothing else.

We would like all  students to wear their t-shirts for field day on Thursday, May 27th. 

Thank you for all of your help!

Third Grade Teachers

May 17-21

First off a huge THANK YOU to all the parents that donated supplies and/or volunteered for our Multiplication Ice Cream Party. We cannot do these fun activities without your help and contributions, so THANK YOU!!!

This week we have our math RISE test. We will be starting at 8:50 so please make sure that your child is here on time. This will help with keeping our distractions to a minimum and students won’t miss out on any important announcements made before the test.

As the year comes to an end students will be bring home items that we will no longer need in class. Please make sure that your child brings a backpack everyday to haul all their stuff home.

Field Day is on Thursday, May 27th. Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. The address is 4529 S 4700 W, West Haven. It is about .8 of a mile from Quest Academy. We will be meeting at the park between 8:00-8:30 and we will spend the day doing a ton of fun activities. After we end at the park we will walk back to Quest. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help us with this activity. We need to start planning for the number of students we will have attending, so this form needs to be filled out by TUESDAY, MAY 18th. We Below is a link for the permission form for your child to participate in what we have planned. https://forms.gle/FVLRcWU4yED3voYJ9

Important Dates:

  • Monday, 5/17 – Character Ed. – Q DAY
  • Tuesday, 5/18 – R DAY
  • Wednesday, 5/19 – S DAY
  • Thursday, 5/20 – T DAY
  • Friday, 5/21 – U DAY – Early Out
  • May 17 – 21 – RISE Math Test @ 8:50
  • May 25 – Celebrating Summer Birthdays!
  • May 26th – Quest Talent Show – An email was sent home with details about signing up. Space is limited so sign up quickly.
  • May 26th – 28th – EARLY OUT DAYS!
  • May 27th – Field Day – See above for details about field day
  • May 28th – Last Day of School!

May 10-14

We start our RISE testing this week. Everyday from 10:05-11:15 we will be working on our ELA test. In order for you to help your child prepare for this test please make sure that they get a good night’s sleep.

Thursday, May 13th, is our Ice Cream Multiplication Madness Party. Thank you to everyone that signed up to donate items. If you signed up to bring something please send it with your child on the 13th. I am also looking for two more grown-ups to help us out with this party. Please let me know if you will be able to help out.

Field Day is on Thursday, May 27th. Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. The address is 4529 S 4700 W, West Haven. It is about .8 of a mile from Quest Academy. We will be meeting at the park between 8:00-8:30 and we will spend the day doing a ton of fun activities. After we end at the park we will walk back to Quest. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help us with this activity. Below is a link for the permission form for your child to participate in what we have planned. https://forms.gle/FVLRcWU4yED3voYJ9

Below is what we will be working on for the week. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:

  • Monday, 5/10 – Library – L DAY
  • Tuesday, 5/11  – M DAY
  • Wednesday, 5/12– Character Ed – N DAY
  • Thursday, 5/13 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUTUMN!!! Multiplication Ice Cream Party Day – O DAY
  • Friday, 5/14 – P DAY – Pajama Day – Students may wear their PJs to school – Early Out
  • May 10 – 14 – RISE Reading Test @ 10:05
  • May 17 – 21 – RISE Math Test @ 8:50
  • May 27th – Field Day – See above for details about field day
  • May 28th – Last Day of School!


May 3-7

Welcome to May!

Warning: long, but very important, weekly blog post. 😉 Last Friday we kicked off our testing season with our Daze test and this week we will have our reading test. In order to help your child do their best on every test please make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep the night before. To also help your child out, the school will provide breakfast for all students. Our wonderful lunch staff will deliver breakfast every morning to our classroom. This is something extra, and hopefully fun, for your child to participate in. Your child does not need to take breakfast if they do not want it. The school also put out our testing video to get students excited to do their best on the test. Check it out below.

This week we are on the letters G, H, I, J, and K for our ABC countdown. I will post what we are doing if it involves something that students need to prepare for at home.

On Thursday, May 13th, the third graders will be celebrating their success with learning their multiplication facts.  In order to do this, we need help from you.  Please take a look at the list of items that the third grade classes will need and please sign up for anything that you can help out with.  Items will need to be dropped off at the school on the day of the activity.   We are also looking for volunteers to help serve.  We will be holding our party from 1:30-3:00. If you can volunteer please let me know. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080D4DADAB2CABF58-multiplication1

Below is what we will be working on for the week. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Important Dates:

  • Monday, 5/3 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATELYNN!!! Library
  • Tuesday, 5/4  – Hat Day & Star Wars Shirt Day (Students may wear a Star Wars Shirt instead of a uniform shirt. Uniform pants must be worn.)
  • Wednesday, 5/5 – Library
  • Thursday, 5/6 – Coding/Keyboarding
  • Friday, 5/7 – Early Out!
  • May 3 – 7 – Dibels Testing – A great way to prepare for this end-of-year reading test is to make sure that your child is reading out loud every night for 20 minutes.
  • May 10 – 14 – RISE Reading Test @ 10:05
  • May 13th – Multiplication Ice Cream Party @ 2:00
  • May 17 – 21 – RISE Math Test @ 8:50
  • May 27th – Field Day – A permission form and more information to come.
  • May 28th – Last Day of School!

Math –We will be working on area & perimeter for the next couple of weeks. We will be using Twizzlers Pull and Peel for our perimeter lesson. At the beginning of the year, all parents signed a food permission form, and Twizzlers are on that list. I know that dietary needs change, so please let me know if your child CANNOT have the licorice. Below is the family letter from our math workbook that explains what we will be working on. On the second page of the letter, there is an activity to help students with what we are working on. You are not required to do the activity, it is just a suggestion if you would like your child to practice at home. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE ARE DONE WITH MULTIPLICATION. MANY STUDENTS ARE STILL WORKING ON MEMORIZING THEIR FACTSWhile we work on our multiplication facts in class, it is so important that students practice their facts at home. 3rd graders are required to pass of their 0-10 facts before they move onto 4th grade.

ELA – We have finished up our Wonders Unit. We will now be reviewing everything that we have learned this year.

Multiplication Ice Cream Party!

On Thursday, May 13, the third graders will be celebrating their success with learning their multiplication facts.  In order to do this, we need help from you.  Please take a look at the list of items that the third grade classes will need and please sign up for anything that you can help out with.  Items will need to be dropped off at the school on the day of the activity.   

We are also looking for volunteers to help serve.  We will be holding our party from 1:30-3:00. If you can volunteer please let me know. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080D4DADAB2CABF58-multiplication1