What we are learning:

We are excited to begin Unit 1 in Language Arts. Below are the high frequency words, oral vocabulary words, and letters we will be mastering in the next 3 weeks. In addition, we are working on syllables, identifying the beginning and ending sounds of words, rhyming, and writing our name.

In math, we are have started our individual math lessons on iReady. We are working to master counting to 20 and reading and writing our numbers 0-10. In addition, we are identifying which number comes next when we hear any number 1-99. You can help us at home by saying a random number 1-99 and asking us which number comes next.

In science we are exploring weather patterns and how to prepare for different weather events. We can show that we are understanding by coming to school prepared for the daily weather. For example, this week we can remember to bring our labeled water bottle so we stay hydrated during this heat wave.

Scholastic Book Orders:

Dear Family, With a $25 order, you can pick a FREE $5 Book (use code: READS). All orders also earn FREE Books for our class.

Class Order Due Date: Friday, September 16, 2022

Class Code: M8DTR

Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/M8DTR

Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child: https://clubs.scholastic.com/kindergarten

 Thank you for your support!

The First Day of Kindergarten!

We are excited for our FIRST DAY of school on Tuesday. 

What to bring: Please send your child with headphones, a backpack, and a FULL water bottle. We encourage you to label these items.

Drop-off: Students are invited to play outside until the 8:22 whistle. They will then line up outside the portable. (Breakfast is available every day, prior to the start of class in the lunchroom).

Pick-up: We will gather by the front doors of the school. You may park your vehicle and then pick up your child. Please use the crosswalks. Or you may remain in your vehicle and drive along the sidewalk. We will help load your child from the right side of the vehicle.

Tuesday, August 23: First day of Kindergarten 8:25-3:20pm

Wednesday, August 24: Regular schedule 8:25-3:20pm

Thursday, August 25: Early out 8:25-1:20pm

Friday, August 26: No School

Welcome To Kindergarten!


Yay!!! We are very excited to welcome our new students into our kindergarten class!
In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to our blog by clicking on “Subscribe to our Blog” (found on the right sidebar) and fill out this student information form to help Mrs. Brown get to know more about your kindergartener!

In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class Disclosure and Supply list. Students will need to bring a standard-sized backpack and a water bottle to school every day. Students will need to bring a personal set of headphones to keep at school.

During the first week of school (Aug 17-22) we will NOT be having regularly scheduled kindergarten classes. Instead, we will be giving each individual student an extensive test to help us better assess where your child is academically. We use this information to customize each child’s education and to challenge them at their current level in reading and math. Click here to sign-up for a kindergarten testing appointment.

The first day of kindergarten classes will be Tuesday, August 23. 8:30am-3:20pm. Thursday, August 25 will be early out schedule 8:30-1:20pm. And there is no school on Friday, August 26. Click here for the full Quest 2022-2023 school calendar.

We look forward to seeing each of you during our Back to School Night on Monday, August 15. Have a wonderful summer break!

Week of May 23rd

I cannot believe that I am writing our last weekly blog post. Although it is the last week, we still have a ton of stuff going on. Please check out the important dates sections below for all of our happenings this week. Along with the fun stuff, we are doing this week we are also finishing up some testing. Please make sure that your child is here every day and please have them bring their backpacks. We will be cleaning out our classroom and students will be bringing home a bunch of items.

Tie-Dye T-Shirts – We tie-dyed t-shirts on Friday morning. Please remember to wash those shirts out and have your child wear them to our field day on Wednesday. Instructions were sent home with the shirts, but if the instructions were lost here they are: All you need to do is the three easy steps below to help us out. I would wait until Saturday, or Sunday, to wash. STEP 1: Rinse in warm water and then gradually cool water until rinse water begins to run clear. STEP 2: Carefully remove rubber bands with scissors and unfold the fabric. STEP 3:  Wash in warm water with a mild detergent, rinse and dry. You might want to wash with an old towel and nothing else.

Ice Cream Multiplication Party – On Tuesday, the 24th, our third grade will celebrate all of their hard work learning multiplication facts. I already have food permission forms from everyone (you filled them out at the beginning of the school year). I am looking for 4 parent volunteers to come and help us this day. Please sign up if you can!! Multiplication Ice Cream Party Volunteer Sign Up

Field Day – Field Day is on Wednesday, the 25th. Space is limited at Quest, so the 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. The address is 4529 S 4700 W, West Haven. It is about .8 of a mile from Quest Academy. We will need all parents to drop off their students at the park between 8:00–8:30. After we are done at the park, we will walk back to Quest @ 12:00 and have lunch there. Many grown-ups have not signed the permission form. Here is the link: https://forms.gle/bBtkm7tdRe24gLCb8 We are also looking for a few more parents to help us with this activity. Here is the signup form to help us out: Field Day Volunteer Sign Up I will be posting more information on what students will need to bring this day, so please check back.

Important Dates

  • May 24th – Multiplication Ice Cream Party
  • May 25th – 3rd Grade Field Day Trip – Space is limited at Quest, so the 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. Please click here for the permission form. We have spots for only a few parents to volunteer for this activity. Please see above to sign up.
  • May 26th & 27th – Short Days and the 27th is the last day of school

Week of May 16th

We made it through the first week of testing. WAHOO! We will continue testing this week with our Math Rise test and our Dibels reading test. Please make sure that you are reading with your child every night.

Multiplication Ice Cream Party – On Tuesday, May 24th, our third graders will be celebrated for all of their hard work memorizing their multiplication facts. Please make sure that you are practicing these facts with your child every day. Each child will have the opportunity to pass these facts off leading up to the party. Each fact that is passed off earns your child a piece of our ice cream party. Passing off all multiplication facts earns your child a full banana split. Please work with your child at home on these facts!!

Important Dates:

  • May 16th – 18th – RISE MATH End of Level Testing @ 8:50 & End of Level Dibels Test (Reading)
  • May 20th – Quest Under the Stars @ 5:00 p.m. – All of the 3rd grade classes have been growing tomato seeds that spent 6 weeks on the International Space Station. We are recording data on their growth and submitting it to NASA. How cool is that?!? Our tomatoes will be on display during Quest Under the Stars.
  • May 24th – Multiplication Ice Cream Party
  • May 25th – 3rd Grade Field Day Trip – Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. Please click here for the permission form. We have spots for only a few parents to volunteer for this activity. A Sign-Up Genius form will be sent out for volunteer opportunities.
  • May 26th & 27th – Short Days and the 27th is the last day of school

Week of May 9

We made it through the first week of May. YAY!! Our schedule last week was full of practice testing and reviewing for our upcoming RISE test. We start on Monday. Please make sure that your child is getting a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast each morning.

Multiplication Ice Cream Party – On Tuesday, May 24th, our third graders will be celebrated for all of their hard work memorizing their multiplication facts. Please make sure that you are practicing these facts with your child every day. Each child will have the opportunity to pass these facts off leading up to the party. Each fact that is passed off earns your child a piece of our ice cream party. Passing off all multiplication facts earns your child a full banana split. Please work with your child at home on these facts!!

Important Dates:

  • May 9th – 12th – RISE ELA End of Level Testing @ 10:15 & End of Level DAZE Test
  • May 16th – 18th – RISE MATH End of Level Testing @ 8:50 & End of Level Dibels Test (Reading)
  • May 20th – Quest Under the Stars @ 5:00 p.m. – All of the 3rd grade classes have been growing tomato seeds that spent 6 weeks on the International Space Station. We are recording data on their growth and submitting it to NASA. How cool is that?!? Our tomatoes will be on display during Quest Under the Stars.
  • May 24th – Multiplication Ice Cream Party
  • May 25th – 3rd Grade Field Day Trip – Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. This activity is a field trip, so a permission form will be sent out soon. We will also need some amazing parent volunteers to help with this day. You can sign up to volunteer on your child’s permission form.
  • May 26th & 27th – Short Days and the 27th is the last day of school


KEEP UP THE READING!!! This link has amazing opportunities for summer reading programs. There are some many ways students can earn prizes for all of the reading they do. 🙂 A printed version went home with students on Monday.
Thank you! Happy Summer Reading!!!
 Summer Reading

Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at 2.33.23 PM

Barnes & Noble.  This is a great program because all the students have to do is read 8 books, record the title & author on a journal & take the journal into the store once completed & they get to choose a free book.  They’ve changed it a bit this year, only accepting the journals in the month of August but they’ve also given a great list of books to read for the summer by age group.  I would appreciate you posting this on your blogs when you have time.  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/h/summer-reading-lists?list=kidsbrages-0-7

Week of May 2

Oh my goodness! We are now into May and that means that there are only 20 school days left. We have so much to get done in this short amount of time, so please make sure that your child is here every day. Below is a list of important dates that are coming up. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.

The school will be providing “testing treats” during RISE testing. I need parents to fill out this form in order for your student to have a treat before testing: https://forms.gle/8uRmeqV3ikWdeXFP7

For math and reading this week, we will be reviewing. We will also be practicing the Rise test every day.

Important Dates:

  • THIS WHOLE WEEK – End of Level i-Ready Diagnostic Test
  • May 9th – 12th – RISE ELA End of Level Testing @ 10:15 & End of Level DAZE Test
  • May 16th – 18th – RISE MATH End of Level Testing @ 8:50 & End of Level Dibels Test (Reading)
  • May 20th – Quest Under the Stars @ 5:00 p.m. – All of the 3rd grade classes have been growing tomato seeds that spent 6 weeks on the International Space Station. We are recording data on their growth and submitting it to NASA. How cool is that?!? Our tomatoes will be on display during Quest Under the Stars.
  • May 25th – 3rd Grade Field Day Trip – Space is limited at Quest, so the 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. This activity is a field trip, so a permission form will be sent out soon. We will also need some amazing parent volunteers to help with this day. You can sign up to volunteer on your child’s permission form.
  • May 26th & 27th – Short Days and the 27th is the last day of school.