February 17-21

Monday, 2/17: President’s Day, NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, 2/19: Stem
Thursday, 2/20: Coding  
Friday, 2/21:  Early Release @1:00

As we didn’t quite reach our Little Caesars goal, the fundraiser will be extended until Friday, February 28th.  For every three cards sold by elementary students, they will receive a prize.   The top  class will win a pizza and ice cream party. 
The Little Caesars Breadstick cards are $10 and gives you 10 bags of breadsticks and crazy sauce. These usually cost over $4. This gives you a savings of over $30. Quest makes $7 off of every card students sell. The money raised for this fundraiser helps with field trips, field day, after school clubs and other school activities. These cards make great gifts for neighbors, friends, and family members. 

Jr. Cheer Clinic
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Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

This week we begin our unit on Fractions.   We will spend the next few weeks working on naming fractions, fractions on a number line, comparing fractions, and fractions as a whole.  We will be using food during our faction unit.  The items that we could be using are: Valentines Conversation Hearts, plain M&Ms, and Skittles. Click the link below for the Food Permission Form.


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This week  we will be practicing our comprehension strategy of rereading and our skill of cause and effects. Our stories are Firsts in Flight and Hot Air Balloons, which are both expository texts.

Homophones – ex. sail, sale, beat, beet, road, rowed, rode, its, it’s, your, you’re, their, they’re, there

-controlled    -direction   -flight   -impossible    -launched    -motion    -passenger     –popular
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Remember to read and work on your multiplicatio(Reflex)!

February 10-14


Wednesday, 2/12: STEM
Thursday, 2/13: Coding
Friday, 2/14:  Happy Valentine’s Day
                        Early Release @1:00
Monday, 2/17: President’s Day, NO SCHOOL
Valentine’s Day Information:
 Students may bring a Valentine box or bag to school on Thursday or Friday. Because of limited space, please do not send large boxes.
 Students may bring Valentines to pass out to classmates. We have a total of 27 students participating. Remember, students are not allowed to pass out food items as part of their Valentines.
 We will enjoy a small treat and activity as a class on Friday.

Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

We will spend the next few weeks working on naming fractions, fractions on a number line, comparing fractions, and fractions as a whole.  We will be using food during our faction unit.  The items that we could be using are: Smarties, plain M&Ms, and Skittles. Click the link below for the Food Permission Form. Fraction Fun Permission Form

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This week  we will be practicing our comprehension strategy of rereading and our skill of Compare and Contrast texts. Our stories are Grey Wolf! Red Fox! and Amazing Wildlife of the Mojave, which are both expository texts.

Plural Words: varient vowel: /ô/

-shelter    -alert   -competition   -environment    -excellent    -prefer  -protection     -related
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Remember to read and to do Reflex math!

Parents, the YMCA is providing a great opportunity for a Valentines night out. Check out the flyer below!

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Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day Information:
 Students may bring a Valentine box or bag to school on Thursday or Friday. Because of limited space, please do not send large boxes.  I will have bags to decorate if your child doesn’t bring one from home.
 Students may bring Valentines to pass out to classmates. We have a total of 27 students participating. Remember, students are not allowed to pass out food items as part of their Valentines. Do not put classmate’s names on the Valentines, put your child’s name on the “from” and leave the “to” blank (this will allow your child to participate in other activities instead of using the entire time matching the right name to the right bag/box).
 We will enjoy a small treat and activity as a class on Friday. Please fill out this form so your child can have a cupcake at our Valentine’s day activity.
If you haven’t already, please fill out this food permission form for our fraction activity.
Thank you!

February 3-7

Monday, 2/3:  Library
Wednesday, 2/5: STEM
Thursday, 2/6: Coding
Friday, 2/7:  Early Release @1:00
Fundraising Information!
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Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

This week we begin our unit on Fractions.   We will spend the next few weeks working on naming fractions, fractions on a number line, comparing fractions, and fractions as a whole.  We will be using food during our faction unit.  The items that we could be using are: Valentines Conversation Hearts, plain M&Ms, and Skittles. Click the link below for the Food Permission Form. Fraction Fun Permission Form
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This week  we will be practicing our comprehension strategy of asking and answering questions and our skill of determining point of view. Our stories are The Impossible Pet  Show and The Talented Clementine, which are both realistic fiction stories.  

Plural Words: adding -s, -es, & -ies

-achievement    -apologized   -attention   -audience    -confidence    -realized  -embarrassed     -talents
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

January 27-31

Monday, 1/27: BOOK FAIR BEGINS; Library
Tuesday, 1/28: Happy Birthday Logan!!
                                 Goodies with Grands, 8:00-8:30 Q1 gym
                                 PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE
Wednesday, 1/29: STEM
Thursday, 1/30: Goodies with Grands, 8:00-8:30 Q1 gym
                               PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE
Friday, 1/31: Dollar Dress Down, Early Release @1:00

Important Dates:

Please sign up for a conference time on BLOOMZ
January 28th and 30th: Goodies and Grands
January 27 – 31: BOOK FAIR in Q1 gym
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Fundraising Information!
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This week we begin our unit on Measurement. We will be learning to read and created scaled graphs in order to represent data.  
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This week, we will be practicing our comprehension strategy of asking and answering questions and our skill is determining point of view. Our stories are Nail Soup and The Real Story of Stone Soup.

long /u/: ew, u_e, ue, u, ui
ou: oo, ou

-aroma    -expect   -flavorful   -graceful    -interrupted    -luscious   -variety     -healthful
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Multiplication Facts:
We are going to be working very diligently at mastering our multiplication facts. Students have been learning to skip count as a strategy to learn our facts. The more they practice at home, the more efficient they become at recalling their facts!

January 20-24

It is so important for your child to be at school as much as possible! The second half of the year flies by so quickly and we have tons to do. Soon we will be starting our Multiplication Madness as well as beginning to work on our class play. 


Monday, 1/20: NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, 1/21: 
Wednesday, 1/22: STEM
Thursday, 1/23: Coding, Early Out @ 1:00
Friday, 1/24: No School, Legislative Day
Saturday, 1/25: Hugo’s Birthday!!

Important Dates:
Tuesday & Thursday, January 28 & 30: Winter Conferences

Please sign up for a conference time on BLOOMZ
January 27 – 31: BOOK FAIR in Q1 gym
Our next book fair is coming up!
We need Volunteers! For us to be able to fund a successful book fair, we need volunteers at all time slots.
Mon, Jan 27 – Fri, Jan 31 we will be open during school each day and during parent teacher conference evenings.   
Please visit our Scholastic Quest Homepage to sign up.   
Thank you in advance for your help.
0120 FB flyer
Fundraising Information!
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***If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
***This donation covers all of the supplies that your child is using in class, as well as maintaining a supply of pencils, lead, tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizer, art supplies, adding to the classroom library, etc…
***THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to our class

We are continuing Lesson 18: two step word problems using all math operations. The next few days will be spent practicing and refining our skills.   
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This week, we will be reviewing our comprehension strategies and skills.

prefixes and diphthongs  –   ~oi   ~ou   ~oy    ~ow

-agreeable    -appreciate   -boomed   -descendants    -emigration    -pioneers   -transportation     -vehicles
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Remember to read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.

Parent Teacher Conferences

It’s that time again! I will be using Bloomz for parent teacher conference sign ups. Please log on and select a time that works for you and your family. Remember spots fill up fast, so make sure you sign up now to get the spot you want! I look forward to seeing you at our conference.

If you haven’t signed up for our class on Bloomz, here are the instructions:bloomz

January 13-17

It is so important for your child to be at school as much as possible! The second half of the year flies by so quickly and we have tons to do. Soon we will be starting our Multiplication Madness as well as beginning to work on our class play. 


Monday, 1/13 – Library
Tuesday, 1/14–  Pokemon Club Begins @ 3:00
Wednesday, 1/15 – STEM,  Aaliyah’s Birthday!!
Thursday, 1/16 – Coding
Friday, 1/17  – Early Out @ 1:00
Sunday, 1/19 – Madeleine’s Birthday!!

Important Dates:
Monday, 1/20: NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Thursday, 1/23: Early Out @ 1:00
Friday, 1/24: No School, Legislative Day

Fundraising Information!
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We are continuing Unit 3 this week with Lesson 18 and we will be working two step word problems using all math operations.  
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In Unit 3 Week 5, we will be talking about who each event in history is unique.  Our comprehension skill for the week  is summarizing and our strategy is sequencing.  We will be reading two expository texts,  “The Long Road to Oregon” and “Riding the Rails West”.

prefixes and diphthongs  –   ~oi   ~ou   ~oy    ~ow

-agreeable    -appreciate   -boomed   -descendants    -emigration    -pioneers   -transportation     -vehicles
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Remember to read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.

January 6-10

HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome back to school.  I hope everyone had a happy and restful holiday season.  

Thursday, 12/30 – Happy Birthday Kas!
Sunday, 1/5 – Happy Birthday Andrea!
Monday, 1/6 – Welcome Back!! -Library
Tuesday, 1/7– 
Wednesday, 1/8 – STEM @ 2:15
Thursday, 1/9 – Coding Lab,  Happy Birthday Bronco!!
Friday, 1/10  – Early Out @ 1:00

We are continuing Unit 3 this week with Lesson 17 and we will be working one step word problems.  
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In Unit 3 Week 4, we will be talking about what ideas we can get from nature.  Our comprehension skill for the week  is main idea and key details and our strategy is summarizing.  We will be reading two expository texts,  “Bats Did it First” and “Big Ideas from Nature”.

prefixes and final -e syllables

-imitate    -effective     -example   -identical    -material    -model   -observed     -similar
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Remember to read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.

December 16-20

Welcome to the Week before Winter Break!!   I love this time of year but it goes by way too fast.  I only have 5 more days with my students, so please make sure that they are here everyday, all day.  We have so much planned for this week and it’s going to be amazing.  
There are so many announcements this week, so please keep scrolling so you don’t miss out on anything!!
Monday, 12/16 – Library; First Day to Sign up for Pokemon Club.  (See below for details)
Tuesday, 12/17– Madison’s Birthday!!
Wednesday, 12/18 –  Choir Concert Assembly @ 9:45
– STEM @ 2:15
– Quest Under the Stars – 6:30 -8:00 pm in the Q2 gym (See below for more details)
Thursday, 12/19 – Coding
Friday, 12/20 – Grinch Party @ 9:00 – Free Dress Down Day & Early Out @ 1:00
Sunday, 12/22 – Ellie’s Birthday!!
12/ 23 – 1/3 – No School for Winter Break
See you back on Monday, January 6th!

Food Permission Form
The Food Permission Form for most of our 3rd grade activities is now available. Please fill out this form to indicate if your child is allowed to have the snacks that we use for various lessons and activities in 3rd grade.
19-20 Food Permission Form

We will be having a white elephant gift exchange during our Grinch Christmas party.  Please have your child bring a wrapped gift, that costs mo more that $5.00, on Friday, the 20th.  Please fill out the form below letting me know that your child will bring a gift.  Thanks!
White Elephant Form

Pokemon Club

We are excited to announce a Pokemon Club is being offered to our third grade students.  It will begin on January 14, 2020, and meet every Tuesday until February 18, 2020 from 3:00pm to 3:30pm in Ms. Beckstead’s classroom. 
The club will be limited to 20 students on a first come, first served basis.  Those who return this permission form, along with the $3.00 club fee, will be considered for admission. Applications will be accepted in the Q1 office beginning December 16, 2019.
Pokemon Club Contract Permission Form

Quest Under the Stars
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We are continuing Unit 3 this week with Lesson 16 , which is finding the area of shapes.  We are taking our multiplication skills and putting them to the test. 

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We will be reviewing all of our reading skills this week by learning about different holiday customs and traditions from around the world.  

Remember read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.
It’s time for another one of our 3rd grade traditions!
Each year we hold the Grinch Party to help our students focus on RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & KINDNESS.
To show our appreciation for the amazing people they are, we all gather together to watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas, enjoy a tasty popcorn buffet and sip delicious hot cocoa. We even have a new Grinch prop to use for a fun photo station! This party will be held on Friday, December 20th, from 8:30 – 10:30.

For this to be possible, we will need parent help! We will need volunteers as well as donations so, if you are able to help in any way, please fill out the google form by clicking on the link below. 


The food permission form for the Grinch Party and future activities will be later this week in its own blog post.
Thank you for all of the help and support you give to us,
~Third Grade Teachers
