December 9-13

Monday, 12/9 – Library
Tuesday, 12/10 – 
Wednesday, 12/11– STEM
 Thursday, 12/12 – Coding
Friday, 12/13 – Spirit Day, Early Out @ 1:00

The Food Permission Form for most of our 3rd grade activities is now available. Please fill out this form to indicate if your child is allowed to have the snacks that we use for various lessons and activities in 3rd grade.
3rd Grade Food Permission

The 3rd Grade Grinch Party is on Friday, December 20th from 8:45-10:30. Please fill out the google form below to let us know if you can help!
Grinch Party

This week we are finishing Lesson 15 and beginning Lesson 16.  We are taking our multiplication skills and putting them to the test by using a formula to solve for area. In lesson 16 we will learn how to use multiplication and addition to find the area of composite shapes.

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In Unit 3 Week 3, our comprehension skill is identifying main idea and key details.  This week we are reading expository texts,  Earth and Its Neighbors and Earth. We are going to be practicing our skills of summarizing as well as studying suffixes.

r-controlled vowels and suffixes

-surface     -amount     -astronomy     -globe     -solar system     -support    -temperature     -warmth
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success!

Grinch Party!

It’s time for another one of our 3rd grade traditions!
Each year we hold the Grinch Party to help our students focus on
To show our appreciation for the amazing people they are, we all gather together to watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas, enjoy a tasty popcorn buffet and sip delicious hot cocoa. We even have a new Grinch prop to use for a fun photo station!

For this to be possible, we will need parent help! We will need volunteers as well as donations so, if you are able to help in any way, please fill out the google form by clicking on the link below.

The food permission form for the Grinch Party and future activities will be in next week’s blog post.
Thank you for all of the help and support you give to us,
~Third Grade Teachers


December 2-6

I hope that everyone had a fabulous and relaxing Thanksgiving break.  I can’t believe that we are now in December and I am wondering where has the time gone.  This month is super crazy busy so please make sure that your child is here everyday.                         

Monday, 12/2 – Welcome back!  Library
Tuesday, 12/3 – 

Wednesday, 12/4 – STEM
Thursday, 12/5 – Coding
Friday, 12/6 – Spirit Day, Early Out @ 1:00
Saturday, 12/7 – Reindeer Run!!

How the Grinch Stole Breakfast & the Reindeer Run – Whoville Style!!
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We are starting Unit 3 this week with Lesson 14, which is finding the area of shapes.  We are taking our multiplication skills and putting them to the test. 

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In Unit 3 Week 2, our comprehension skill is cause an effect.  This week we are reading historical fiction stories,  Jane’s Tale and Finding Lincoln. We are going to be practicing our use of visualization as well as working on idioms.

r-controlled vowels and prefixes

-temporary     -donated     -leader     -bravery     -disappear     -nervous    -amazement     -refused
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Remember to read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.

Work hard. Be kind.

November 18-22

  Welcome to our class!!!

Monday, 11/18 – Welcome Sophia, Samuel, Alli, Madison, Jocelyn & Aaliyah!!!

Tuesday, 11/19 – 
Wednesday, 11/20 – STEM
Thursday, 11/21  – Coding
Friday, 11/22 – Spirit Day, Early Out @ 1:00
How the Grinch Stole Breakfast & the Reindeer Run – Whoville Style!!
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We will finish up Unit 2 with Lesson 13 this week.  Understanding and finding patterns in numbers is a challenging but fun lesson for the kids. 

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In Unit 3 Week 1, our comprehension skill is determining character, setting and plot.  This week we are reading the folktales The Inchworm’s Tale and Martina the Beautiful Cockroach. We are going to be practicing our use of visualization as well as identifying synonyms.

r-controlled vowels and contractions

-unique     -disbelief     -fabulous     -features     -offered     -splendid    -watchful     -dismay
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

  • Don’t forget to read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.

November 11-15

Respect. Effort. Attitude. Cooperation. Honesty

Monday, 11/11 – Library
Tuesday, 11/12 – 
Wednesday, 11/13 – STEM
Thursday, 11/14  – Coding
Friday, 11/15 – Spirit Day, Early Out @ 1:00

We will start lessons 11 and 12 this week.  First, we will use place value to multiply and then we will move onto understanding the meaning of division.  

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In Unit 2 Week 5, our comprehension skill is determining point of view.  We are reading poetry this week. We will be reading both free verse and limericks. While reading, we are going to be learning about the literary elements of alliteration and rhyme.

Diagraphs: -sh   -ch   -dge   -th   -tch

-imagine     -rhyme     -bounce     -inventor     -observer     -alliteration     -free verse     -limerick
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

November 4-8

How can it be NOVEMBER?! Time has flown by this year and we are well into the swing of things.  I am so thankful that I get to spend my days with these incredible kids. Each one of them is a unique and special part of our class. I just cannot imagine our class without any one of them.  Thank you for sharing them with me each day!!!

Monday, 11/4 – Library, Book Fair Starts (and runs all week)
Tuesday, 11/5 –  Parent Teacher Conferences
                                   Morning with Mom from 8:00 – 8:30 in the Q1 gym (Flyer below)
Wednesday, 11/6 – STEM
Thursday, 11/7  – Coding 
                                    Parent Teacher Conferences

                                    Morning with Mom from 8:00 – 8:30 in the Q1 gym (Flyer below)
Friday, 11/8 – Paisley’s Birthday!!
                Spirit Day, Early Out @ 1:00, Last day for Book Fair
 Mornings with Mom
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We will start lessons 9 and 10 this week.  First, we will use place value to multiply and then we will move onto understanding the meaning of division.  
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In Unit 2 Week 4, our comprehension strategy is rereading to help us understand a text better.  The expository texts we are reading this week are “Whooping Cranes in Danger,” and “Kids to the Rescue!”.   While reading, we are going to be using details in the text to determine the author’s point of view.

Three Letter Blends: -spr, -str, -squ, -thr

-success     -caretakers     -population     -recognized     -relatives     -resources     -survived     -threatened
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them. 
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  • Remember to read at least 20 minutes per day!
  • REFLEX- at least 3 green lights per week!

October 28-31

~Intelligence plus character, that is the true goal of education~
                                     Martin Luther King, Jr.
Important Dates:
Monday, Oct. 28- CrAzY DaY, Library
Tuesday, Oct. 29 – Decade Day
Wednesday Oct. 30 – Superhero Day, STEM

Thursday Oct. 31 – Happy Halloween! Parade at 9:00am
                                   Halloween Class Party at 10:00-11:00
                                   EARLY DISMISSAL: 1:00
 Friday Nov. 1 – NO SCHOOL! Teacher work day
Tuesday Nov. 5- Parent-Teacher conferences
Thursday Nov. 7- Parent-Teacher conferences 

Apple Witches !
What a great success! The kids had a wonderful time and were so excited to see the end product. Thank you to everyone who came to help with the dressing, and thank you to everyone for helping us prepare by making the dresses/robes, hats and hands. I hope you enjoy these witches as reminders of 3rd grade for many years to come! 

We will continue lesson 8 where we are learning order and grouping to multiply numbers.  We will still be working on our multiplication facts 0 -12.
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Unit 2 Week 2 is continued. Our comprehension strategy is rereading to help us understand a text better.  The expository texts we are reading this week are “Every Vote Counts,” and “VOTE”.   While reading, we are going to be using details in the text to determine the author’s point of view.

Silent Letters: -gn, -kn, -wr, -mb, -rh, -bt, -mn, -lf, -gh, -lk, -sc, -st

announced  –  candidates –  convince  –  decisions  –  elect  –  estimate  –  government  –  independent

In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Remember to read daily!  

October 21-25

 ~Practice makes progress, not perfect~

I hope everyone had a relaxing, fun-filled fall break.  I know I did!!  
Important Dates:
Monday, Oct. 21st – Library
Tuesday, Oct. 22nd – Keldon’s Birthday!!
Wednesday, Oct. 23 – STEM @ 1:30

Thursday, Oct. 24 – Coding Class
Friday, Oct. 25 – Dressing Apple Witches 
                          –  3 Can Dress Down Day & Early Release, 1:00 dismissal
Saturday, Oct. 26 – Ryan’s Birthday!!

We will be dressing our apple witches on Friday @ 9:00.  I have created a signup on Bloomz for anyone who would like to volunteer to help us construct Apple Witches.  **  Sewn dresses, cut-out gloves, and completed hats need to be in by Wednesday, October 23rd.   

***If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
***This donation covers all of the supplies that your child is using in class, as well as maintaining a supply of pencils, lead, tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizer, art supplies, adding to the classroom library, etc…
***THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to our class

In lesson 8 we will be learning order and grouping to multiply numbers.  We will still be working on our multiplication facts 0 -12.
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In Unit 2 Week 2, our comprehension strategy is rereading to help us understand a text better.  The expository texts we are reading this week are “Every Vote Counts,” and “VOTE”.   While reading, we are going to be using details in the text to determine the author’s point of view.

Silent Letters: -gn, -kn, -wr, -mb, -rh, -bt, -mn, -lf, -gh, -lk, -sc, -st

announced  –  candidates –  convince  –  decisions  –  elect  –  estimate  –  government  –  independent

In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them.  
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  • Remember to read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.

October 14-18

Monday Oct. 14 – Library
Tuesday Oct. 15 – 3 Can Dress Down Day; Kiyah’s Birthday!
*Last day to bring any witch dresses/robes that need to be sewn*
Sunday Oct. 20 – Alexis’s Birthday!!
Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night: Come support Quest at the Riverdale Chick-fil-A
October 16, 17, 18- FALL BREAK: NO SCHOOL!
Friday Oct. 25- Apple Witch Dressing!
                             3 Can Dress Down Day
October 28, 28 & 30- Positive ME Week
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Apple Witches
If you need someone to sew your witch dress for you, please send the fabric- already cut -out, to school no later than October 15th (Tuesday!) so that our volunteers have time to sew them and send them back! Please send the sewn dress, hands, and constructed hat to school by October 24th


We will be reviewing, reteaching and reassessing standards that have not been met with mastery yet. 

Since we have a short week, we will be reviewing the comprehension skills and strategies that we have covered so far this year.

Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them.  
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Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.

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October 7-11

Important Dates:
Monday Oct. 7 – Library
Wednesday Oct. 9 –  STEM; Family Skate Night @ Rush Funplex

Thursday Oct. 10 – Coding; Vision Screenings
Friday Oct. 11 – Spirit Day
                            Early Release, 1:00 dismissal
Tuesday Oct. 15- Witch Dresses DUE!
                                Chick-fil-A spirit night (information at the end of the blog)

October 16, 17, 18- FALL BREAK: NO SCHOOL!
Friday Oct. 25- Apple Witch Dressing!

Apple Witch Dress/Robe Patterns
Patterns will go home on Monday for the Apple Witch dresses/robes, hats and hands. Use this pattern to cut out a front and a back for the dress/robe. This can be done using any type of fabric for the dress, and felt for the hands and hat. New fabric does NOT have to be purchased. In the past students have used shirts that have been outgrown, pillow cases, and leftover scraps. Please send the sewn dress, hands, and constructed hat to school NO LATER than October 15th. **If you cannot hand sew or have access to a sewing machine, please let me know so that I can help you find  a solution!**

There are several things going on at Quest! Please read below for information on a number of important evens.

Quest Elementary Choir
Please click on the link below if you would like your child to participate in the school choir.  This is open to 2nd – 5th graders only.

ision Screenings:
Vision screenings will take place on October 10th. If you prefer that your child is not screened, please call the office. 
We are in need of volunteers to help with the screenings. If you are able to help, please contact Mrs. Goldsberry at

Annual Canned Food Drive:
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Quest Family Night @ Rush Funplex:

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***If you’d like to earn volunteer hours but do not have the opportunity to be at the school, hours can be accumulated by making a donation to your child’s classroom or to the school. 1 hour is credited to you for each $5 donation/purchase. If you would like to help out our class, I am currently working to stock our class store. If you would like to purchase items to put into our store, I would be very appreciative. Please bring me a receipt and I will log and credit your volunteer hours. 

***If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
***This donation covers all of the supplies that your child is using in class, as well as maintaining a supply of pencils, lead, tissues, paper towels, hand sanitizer, art supplies, adding to the classroom library, etc…
***THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to our class

***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is QMZ7G2***


In lesson 7 we will continue to develop our understanding of multiplication. Along with using our multiplication strategies, we are going to be learning about the properties of multiplying by 7, 8, & 9.
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In Unit 2 Week 2, our comprehension strategy is Making, Revising and Confirming Predictions.  The historical Fiction stories we are reading this week are “Sailing to America” and “The Castle on Hester Street”. While reading, we are going to be using details in the text to determine the theme of the story.

Long e:  e, ea, ee, e_e, ie, ey, y 

immigrated  –  arrived  –  inspected  –  moment  –  opportunity  –  photographs  –  valuable  –  whispered

In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them.  
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OPTIONAL –  yet HIGHLY encouraged by Mrs. Alexander – REVIEW

  • Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.
  • REFLEX- at least 3 green lights per week!
    • Reflex helps, tremendously, with student fluency in math facts and will benefit your child as the year progresses. We are so lucky to have this program to use!
    • There is a link to Reflex on the right hand side of the blog. The username is: alexander3 and students will use their own network password to log in.
Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A:
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