What We Are Learning

We are now beginning Unit 4 in Language Arts. Below are the power words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks. We have been introduced to all our sound wall sounds and are using our sound wall to help us spell words. We are working on handwriting and continuing to blend sounds to read words.

In math, we are exploring teen numbers. You can help us at home by providing extra practice reading and writing our numbers 11-20. We will also be mastering counting to 100 by 10’s and 1’s. In addition, we are making great progress on our individual math pathways (ask us about the standard we are working on).

We look forward to our science and STEM lessons. We are exploring forces and working to solve problems together in groups. We look forward to completing our forces unit with a visit from Discovery Gateway on Thursday, December 14. They will have several fun force and motion activities for us. 

Wonders Unit 4

What we are learning…

We are now beginning Unit 3 in Language Arts. Below are the power words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks. We will continue working on syllables, rhyming, identifying the beginning and ending sounds of words, and blending sounds to read words. We have learned most of our sound wall sounds and use our sound wall to help us spell and read words.

In math, we are reading and writing our numbers 11-20 and comparing greater than and less than with numbers and objects up to 10. We will be exploring 3D shapes, weight, and adding and subtracting within 5.

And in science, we are to exploring forces. We have discovered that there are pushes and pulls in any kind of work and that machines can help a job get done faster. We will apply what we are learning about forces as we work to control a “wrecking ball’s” push to solve a tricky problem.

Wonders Unit 3

We have a fun week scheduled, here’s a quick summary to help you know what’s happening:

  • Monday- PJ DAY (Normal schedule)
  • Tuesday- Halloween Parade and Party (Early out 1:10pm) We will be eating popcorn, marshmallows, M&M’s, and candy corn. These foods were on the food permission forms at the beginning of the year, if something has changed and your kindergartener can’t have an item, please let me know!
  • Wednesday- No School
  • Thursday- HAWAIIAN DAY (Normal schedule)
  • Friday- COWBOY DAY (Early out 1:10pm)

What we are learning…

We are now beginning Unit 2 in Language Arts. Below are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks. We will continue working on syllables, rhyming, identifying the beginning and ending sounds of words, and writing our name (with correct upper-case/lower-case letter formations). In math we are writing our numbers 0-10, comparing greater than and less than, exploring 3D shapes and weight, and beginning addition within 5. And in science we have just completed our weather unit and will now begin exploring our unit on forces.

Wonders Unit 2

Our class checked out books from the school library last week. Here are a few things to note about the library:

Library books are due every Tuesday, to be ready for our library time on Wednesday.  Checking out books from our school library is a privilege. To check out books students are expected to:
1- Follow the library rules (be respectful, follow directions, use a library voice, etc.)
2- Return library books (no outstanding books)
3- Select a book during the allotted time

We encourage you to visit with your child about safe ways to store their library book in their backpack. Books can easily be damaged due to leaky water bottles.

Apple Week!

Today kicks off our Kindergarten Apple Week!

We will have so much fun learning about our letters A and a, and tying them to their sounds /a/ for apples! We will be building with apples and toothpicks for apple STEM on Monday, we will be tasting apples and apple juice and graphing data on Tuesday, on Wednesday we will be making/painting an apple book, on Thursday we will be making apple sauce (this can replace their home-brought snack), and on Friday we will be making apple print art. Please let me know if something has changed and your child isn’t able to eat the apples with us this week.

Your kindergartener is welcome to bring in one apple to add to the apple sauce, you can send it on Tuesday or Wednesday, and we will put their name on it. Your kindergartener will get to use the apple peeler to peel and slice the apple they brought!

This Week…

We are now beginning Unit 1 in Language Arts. Below are the sight words, oral vocabulary words, letters, and sounds we will be mastering during the next 3 weeks. We will work on syllables, rhyming, identifying the beginning and ending sounds of words, and writing our names. 

In math, we are sorting and counting objects, and counting by ones, showing and writing numbers up to 5. We will be using Skittles this week for sorting and counting, you signed permission for Skittles at the beginning of the school year, please let me know if anything has changed and you do not want your child to use Skittles.

First Day!

We are excited for our FIRST DAY of school on Tuesday. 

What to bring: Please send your child with headphones and a full water bottle. We encourage you to label these items.

Drop-off: Students are invited to play outside until the 8:22 whistle. They will then line up outside the east school doors by our classroom (Breakfast is available every day at 8:00, prior to the start of class in the lunchroom).

Pick-up: If you are participating in the carpool parking or daycare van pickup, we will bring your child to the pick-up area in the back of the school. All other students will be by the kindergarten doors at the front of the school. You are welcome to park, use the crosswalk and come get your kindergartener. You are also welcome to have another designated student (ie siblings) come to get your child and take them to a pickup spot of your choosing. Students will remain with us until they have been successfully transferred to the care of a parent, caretaker, sibling, or other designated person.

Kindergarten is Almost Here!

Yay!!! We are very excited to welcome our new students into our kindergarten class!
In preparation for the upcoming school year, please carefully read the information below.

  • Blog:  Sign up to follow this blog. This is on the right-hand side of this page.  Once you enter your email, you will receive an email asking you to verify your email address.  Please do this or you will not be following our class blog.– Blog Subscription
  • Class Disclosure Statement: Read and sign the class disclosure statement. – Class Disclosure Statement
  • Parent Survey:  The following link is a short survey to help me get to know your child better.  Please take a few moments to fill it out. – Parent Survey
  • Supply List: In addition to the voluntary class donation, students will need a standard-sized backpack and a FULL water bottle every day. Students will need a personal set of sturdy wired headphones to keep at school. All supplies can be sent to school on a voluntary basis. – Supply Link
  • Food Permission Form: This is a blanket food permission form for the entire school year.  The food items on this list are ones that we have used regularly in the past for class parties and for math, science, and ELA lessons.  Please check all of the items that your child can have.  – Food Permission Form
  • Kindergarten Testing Appointment: During the first week of school (Aug 17-22) we will NOT be having regularly scheduled kindergarten classes. Instead, we will be giving each individual student a mandatory extensive test to help us better assess where your child is academically. We use this information to customize each child’s education and to challenge them at their current level in reading and math.– Schedule your child’s testing appointment
  • Important Dates:
    • Monday, August 15: Back to school night! There will be presentations in our classroom at 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30; choose a time that works for your family.
    • August 16-22: No school for kindergarten only! We will be testing your child at the time you signed up for.
    • Tuesday, August 22: First day of kindergarten!!! We will meet the students in the morning outside at our regular lineup spot at 8:25 (I will show you where at back-to-school night). This will be a regular school day, 8:30-3:10.
    • Thursday, August 24: Early out schedule 8:30-1:10pm.
    • Friday, August 25: No school, teacher work day.
    • Monday, September 4: No school, Labor Day.
    • Click here for the full Quest 2023-2024 school calendar.

We look forward to seeing each of you during our Back to School Night on Monday, August 15. We hope the rest of your summer is wonderful!