Homework this week is due on Friday, February 10:
1- Math Homework: Please check your child’s answers for accuracy!
Worksheets: Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week). If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! 🙂
Practice your fluency timing repeatedly: “Near Doubles”. Record your best time and score each day. [By the end of first grade, the target goal is to finish all 25 problems in 1 minute and 15 seconds, with 90% accuracy (23 out of 25 problems correct).] Click here for extra timings: Fluency Timings
For extra practice, utilize any of these math-fact-activities. There is also a copy provided in your blue folder.
Helpful Hints: This strategy is a natural progression from the doubles. It includes using a known fact and building on it. For example, in the equation 5+6, a student could think, “I know that 5+5 makes 10, and one more makes 11.” This strategy will likely require a bit more teaching than the previous two, but it will be well worth it; when students know their doubles and doubles plus one facts, they know 25% of the addition table!!
**LANGUAGE ARTS HOMEWORK** (Please read carefully.)
1- Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Blue Homework folders on Mondays). Please complete both sides of the Leveled Daily Reading Fluency assignment.
2- Reading 20 minutes per day. Click here to record your weekly reading minutes: Library Reading Minutes Log. (You no longer need to send in a paper record, simply complete the online reading log.)
3- Phonics and High Frequency Words Homework. Practice using any method of your choice to prepare for the weekly Friday spelling test. Click here for some practice ideas: Spelling Study Activities
Phonics Words:
High Frequency Words:
Jack gets a fish by the rock.