Vocabulary 2- A Wrinkle in Time

  1. Connotations- an implied, additional or suggested meaning.
  2. Bilious- nauseated, unpleasant stomach. Disagreeable or bad-tempered
  3. Malignant- harmful; wanting to do evil. Likely to cause death.
  4. Myopic- lacking in foresight or long-term planning.
  5. Precipitously- done rashly without much thought.
  6. Propitious- favorable and likely to lead to success. Kind or gracious.
  7. Writhe- to twist or squirm, especially as result of pain.
  8. Miasma- harmful fumes; can be caused by burning or decaying matter.
  9. Loftily- very high or tall; exalted or high-ranking. Behaving in a falsely superior or haughty manner.

10.Systole- heart contraction where blood is pumped into the arteries.

11.Pinioned- to restrain or immobilize someone, especially by bind in arms. To keep a bird from flying.

12.Omnipotent- all-powerful; possessing complete and unlimited power/authority.

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Food Label Activity

  1. Finish the Myplate Assignment.
  2. Then get your food label and on a separate piece of paper list the food and then the PDV (percent daily value) that the particular food fulfills for you in each of the following categories:  Calories, Calories from fat, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fiber.
  3. Then do the same for 2 more foods. Try to vary the types of foods. (Not all candy!)
  4. In a paragraph, discuss what you learned from this activity and how you will apply it to your daily food choices.

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Utah Write: Sentence Fragments

Utah Write: Intermediate: Sentence Structure: Fragments

Click on link:
Sentence Fragments

 On a piece of paper:

  1. List the three things required to form a sentence.
  2. What is a sentence fragment?
  3. List the two ways to fix sentence fragments.
  4. For exercises 1-6 write ‘S’ or ‘F.’
  5. For exercises 1-5 rewrite the sentence fragment correctly. (Yes, you have to write them.)
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Column Peer Review Questions


  1. What is the topic of their column?
  2. Who is the target audience?
  3. Does column have a voice?
  4. Strengths of column (2 things)
  5. Advice for column two (2 things)
  6. Conventions? Are there many mistakes? (grammar, punctuation, spelling, 500-800words)
  7. Name of reviewer


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Journals 6-10

HJ6- Do you consider yourself a healthy person? Why or why not?

HJ7- List the 3 areas of health (health triangle) and give an example of each.

HJ8- List the 5 levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

HJ9- Describe a recent time that you’ve experienced Fight or Flight Response.

HJ10- List the 4 steps you should follow when experiencing a strong negative emotion.
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Journals 6-10

HJ6- List 3 ways in which you could make your diet more healthy.

HJ7- List 3 unhealthy snacks that you’ve had in the last week. Then list 3 healthier, more nutrient-dense replacement snacks.

HJ8-Which parent/relative/sibling do you most closely resemble when it comes to body type?

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My Plate

MYPLATE Internet Activity


MyPlate offers a personalized tracking approach to a healthy lifestyle. Go to:


            -go to ‘create profile’ in top right-hand side and enter information.

            -once you have your personalized plan, fill out the following.


  1. Physical Activity Target  ___________________________
  2. Daily Calorie Allowance per day ___________________________   Empty calories _________________
  3. Daily Food Group Goals:
    1. Grains= _____________________ ounces
    2. Vegetables= ______________________ cups
    3. Fruit= _____________________ cups
    4. Diary= _____________________ cups
    5. Proteins= _____________________ ounces
    6. Oils/fats/sugars= _______________
    7. Tips: Go to “tips” for each food group and write 2 tips for each
      1. Grains:


  1. Vegetables:


  1. Fruit:


  1. Dairy:


  1. Proteins:


  1. Oils/Fats/Sugars:


  1. Navigate through the website (Track Food and Activity, My features, My Reports, etc.) and pick one more thing to do. Tell me what it is you did (create goals, food tracker, look through food nutrition information, weight manager, etc.), why you chose that, and what you learned from it.



  1. In a brief paragraph, discuss changes you could implement based on the personalized information you’ve received from this educational website.



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Spelling 12

Group A

  1. Aquarium
  2. Hostel
  3. Lateral
  4. Mortuary
  5. Simultaneous


Group B

  1. Dissimilar
  2. Hostage
  3. Aquatic
  4. Mortgage

5. Simulate


Group C

11. Hospitalize

12. Liberal

13. Mortician

14. Unilateral

15. Hospice


Group D

16. Mortal

17. Aquamarine

18. Quadrilateral

19. Liberate

20. Hostile

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Literary Concepts Review

Literary Concepts to Define

You will find the information you need at:


Go to ‘resources’ – then ‘Literary Concepts’ in order to find and define the following on a separate piece of paper:

  1. Plot
  2. Setting (definition and example.  i.e. Harry Potter=Hogwarts)
  3. Tone
  4. Mood
  5. Character
  6. Point of View
  7. Conflict
    1. Internal (definition and example)
    2. External (definition and example)

                                              i.     Types of external conflict (all 6):

  1. Protagonist (definition and example)
  2. Antagonist (definition and example)
  3. Theme (definition and example)
  4. Irony
  5. Foreshadow


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Journals 1-6

J1- What is your favorite springtime activity

J2- Write a story titled, “The year that ______ didn’t come.”

J3- Describe and awesome joke that you’ve played on someone, or an awesome joke that you’ve been the victim of.


J5- Narrate a day in the life of a bee. (1st person)

J6- My favorite thing to do on rainy days is…
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