Thank you to all those parent’s who have already gone on and taken the parent survey to tell me how things are going for your child!! I have already read over the ones received and have received a lot of great feedback. If you haven’t gone in and taken it please do so, so that I can make more changes as needed.
As an educator this is one of my favorite parts, as well as the most important, to see how your doing and make changes as needed!
- A big concern I saw was about grades and being able to make up missing work or assignments that got a low score. Since I am still getting used to everything for Quarter 1 here is what I am wanting to do, and what I will make changes on for Quarter 2.
Here is the math assignments:
Chapter 1
On My Own Lesson 1
On My Own L 2
On My Own L3
On My Own L 4
Check_My_Progress Lessons 1-4
On My Own Lesson 5
On My Own Lesson 6
On My Own Lesson 7
On My Own Lesson 8
On My Own Lesson 9
Check my Progess Lessons 5-9
On My Own Lesson 10
On My Own Lesson 11
On My Own Lesson 12
On My Own Lesson 13
You may print it off and have your child complete it if it is misisng, or do odd problems if they missed a lot and turn it in for points.
Starting this week I will staple their work for the week and have them turn it in each day and look it over and allow them to make changes to missed problems during small groups to get more points. This way hopefully assignments won’t get lost and they can continue to work on problems they are having trouble with and fix it.
Next quarter if your child misses a day when we do an assignment like it says in my disclosure I will allow them to turn it in up to one week from the day they return to school. I will try to write the date due on the top of their missing work.
Hopefully this makes sense, please let me know if you have questions. I appreciate all of your feedback and support.
Mrs. Bischoff