Archive for October, 2012

Oct 22 2012

Monday, October 22

Published by under Homework

Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read 20 minutes and record in your planner…hopefully we will have the reading logs tomorrow… Brainiac due October 25 Book Report due October 29 New SPOW coming home tomorrow! Write a comment on the blog… Have MaRvElOuS mOnDaY!

44 responses so far

Oct 17 2012

WaCkY WeDnEsDaY!

Published by under Uncategorized

Thank you to all who attended Parent Teacher Conferences! I enjoyed visiting with you and sharing in the joy of your student’s accomplishments!! Have a great Fall Break!

8 responses so far

Oct 16 2012

TuEsDaY, OcToBeR 16

Published by under Homework

We are on a roll this week! Your kiddos are aMaZiNg!!! Parent Conferences continue today! Homework for Third and Fourth Graders: Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log. Brainiacs due on October 25….100 words and a technological visual. October Book Report due October 29 {with optional dress-up and open house on October 31}

49 responses so far

Oct 15 2012

OcToBeR 15

Published by under Homework

Let Parent Teacher Conference week begin! Please check your time and we will see you then! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: SPOW due tomorrow! PLEASE DO NOT BRING IN THE MOLDY ITEM! Just take a picture of it and bring it in with your report. Read for twenty minutes and record on your reading […]

39 responses so far

Oct 12 2012

October 12

Published by under Homework

What a fantastic week! So many class compliments and warm fuzzies! **Parents: Conferences begin on Monday. Please check the post on Parent Conferences to verify your scheduled time!** Have a terrific weekend!!

24 responses so far

Oct 11 2012

October 11

Published by under Homework

Another fantabulous day at Tucker Beach! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log. SPOW due 10/16 Brainiac due 10/25 October Book Report due 10/29 ****Third Grade Parents: We are going to have lunch in the classroom as an entire class tomorrow. This will mean that Third Graders […]

44 responses so far

Oct 10 2012

October 10

Published by under Homework

Your kiddos are aMaZiNg!!! Ask them about the new game they learned today!! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: SPOW due 10/16 Brainiac due 10/25 October Book Report due 10/29 Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Fun….due NOW!

34 responses so far

Oct 09 2012

October 9

Published by under Homework

Third and Fourth Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Finish your “Me in the World” with two facts on the back of each section. SPOW due October 16. Brainiac due October 25. Book Report due October 29. Comment on the blog…..a meaningful comment… {Students who are missing any assignments received that […]

58 responses so far

Oct 08 2012

October 8

Published by under Homework

Onward and forward through this exciting week! Third and Fourth Grade Homework: Social Studies: Draw and color the world map according to Columbus and the world we know now and finish “If I Discovered America” Read for 2o minutes and record on reading log.   With all of the internet issues and servers being down…the October Book Report […]

42 responses so far

Oct 05 2012

Friday, October 5

Published by under Uncategorized

Yahoo! We made it another week! AND what a fantabulous week it was! Remember…reading logs are due on Monday… I have the new ones already! **** Totally Awesome Book Report Project being announced on Monday!!!!**** Have an equally fantastic weekend! Mrs. Tucker

20 responses so far

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