Archive for January, 2013

Jan 18 2013

Synthesis Superheros!!

Published by under Uncategorized

Enjoy this video of our Synthesis Superhero lesson!!

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Jan 17 2013

Thursday, January 17

So happy to be back! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Group planet report due tomorrow. Be sure to bring in your Words their Way words! Don’t forget your Library books!

32 responses so far

Jan 15 2013

Tuesday, January 15

Planet painting is underway! I love the creativity! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Work on Astronomy projects. Practice Multiplication facts. {there may or may not be a multiplication quiz tomorrow…   🙂  } Have a great evening! {i will not be here tomorrow…i am not feeling so swell…see you on […]

43 responses so far

Jan 14 2013

Monday, January 14

Published by under Homework,Science

Welcome back from a CrAzY snow day! Homework:  Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. We will work on the Valentine project this Friday from 2-3. Work on your Astronomy projects. The group planet project is due this Friday. We will begin painting the planets tomorrow afternoon. Only those groups who have their research […]

24 responses so far

Jan 10 2013

Thursday, January 10

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

What a grand day! Homework tonight: Read 20 minutes and record in planner. Tomorrow we will be completing our Operation Valentine project for Primary Children’s Hospital.     {Here is a quick iMovie of  our quilting Service Learning activity we completed before Christmas Break. Quilting 101}

32 responses so far

Jan 09 2013

Wednesday, January 9

Published by under Homework,Math

homework: Read 20 minutes and record in planner. Division practice: 1. 321/2     2. 843/7      3. 122/6 Continue to work on your Astronomy projects. *The Great Kindness Challenge*

30 responses so far

Jan 08 2013

Tuesday, January 8

Published by under Homework,Math

What a fantabulous day! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record in planner. {if you have not turned in your reading log, please return it tomorrow} Complete the following division problems: {show your work and your check} 1. 41/8     2. 28/3     3. 69/7     4. 250/5     5. 49000/7   […]

38 responses so far

Jan 07 2013

Monday, January 7

Published by under Homework

Welcome back! I have missed your shiny, happy faces! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record in your planner. Words Their Way sorts will be passed out tomorrow. New levels were tested for this next part of the year. Work on your ABC Astronomy book. {Due dates for astronomy projects are as follows: Group Planet project: […]

36 responses so far

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