Feb 07 2013

Thursday, February 7

Published by under Uncategorized

We will miss our Hannah, but we are sure she will love Idaho! We will be having a Valentine Party, so any parents who wish to volunteer will be more than welcome! {a list of names will be posted tomorrow. students should also plan on bringing in a decorated box for their Valentines. if one is not provided, they will be given a bag to place their Valentines in.} As a part of the Valentine Day activities, we will be doing an activity with conversation hearts . Please complete and return the permissions slip so that your student will be allowed to use the hearts. Otherwise, another manipulative will be provided. Homework: Third: IXL A4, read and record, practice your multiplication facts Fourth:  IXL C3, read and record, practice your multiplication facts, work on your Wax Museum and Biography projects.            

29 responses so far

29 Responses to “Thursday, February 7”

  1.   Justin dayon 07 Feb 2013 at 3:47 pm

    I liked doing fastt math. I am almost done with division!!!!!!


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:02 pm



  2.   Emily Rich!!!!!!!!!!!(:(:on 07 Feb 2013 at 3:51 pm

    Today, I enjoyed doing star reading and star math tests.(I don’t think I did so great on them!)

    P.S.: remember to do the timed tests tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:(:(:(:


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:02 pm

      Thanks for the reminder. I will check the scores tomorrow…


  3.   Tyler Maylinon 07 Feb 2013 at 3:55 pm

    My favorite part of the was working on my community project.


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:02 pm

      Great! I hope you are learning lots about your community!


  4.   Tyler Dayon 07 Feb 2013 at 4:13 pm

    My favorite part of the day was when we went to the presentation on rocks. Ethan go his dream, to find petrified poo


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:02 pm

      Too funny! I am sorry I missed that part!


  5.   Leah Davison 07 Feb 2013 at 4:28 pm

    Are the 4th graders doing the acitity two.!?:D 🙂
    Today I liked doing the Star math.


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:01 pm

      Yes…I forgot to post the Fourth Grade letter…you can fill out the Third Grade letter and be just fine!


  6.   Braden Tolmanon 07 Feb 2013 at 4:54 pm

    My favorite part today was when we did our writing because I finished my friend essay early


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:01 pm

      Great job!


  7.   Brinley(:!!!!!!!!!!on 07 Feb 2013 at 5:28 pm

    I am sick today but I think it was a great day for every one else:)


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:00 pm

      oh yuck! Feel better soon!


  8.   Ethan BaRkEron 07 Feb 2013 at 6:25 pm

    I liked doing centers today. It was fun to sit at the back table for lit. groups. 🙂


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:00 pm

      It was fun to hear you all read too!


  9.   Noah Robinsonon 07 Feb 2013 at 6:29 pm

    My favorite part of the day was recess! 🙂


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 9:00 pm

      Of course!


  10.   AlYsSaon 07 Feb 2013 at 7:04 pm

    I miss you guy’s. In my first event l got first place.Yahoo


    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 8:59 pm

      Congratulations! We miss you too!


  11.   Eli Clarkon 07 Feb 2013 at 8:01 pm

    I liked recces today played with Braxton!


    •   Eli Clarkon 07 Feb 2013 at 8:02 pm

      I meant to say I played with Braxton.


      •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 8:59 pm



    •   Sara Tuckeron 07 Feb 2013 at 8:59 pm



  12.   Leah Davison 08 Feb 2013 at 7:15 am

    When does it have to be turned in?


    •   Sara Tuckeron 08 Feb 2013 at 7:31 pm

      What? The permission slip? By Thursday. If that is not it, then what are you referring to?


  13.   Leah Davison 08 Feb 2013 at 7:18 am

    When is it supposed to be turned in because my mom is going to print it out at work.?


  14.   Leah Davison 09 Feb 2013 at 8:12 am

    Hi, where is the post for the 8th?


    •   Sara Tuckeron 09 Feb 2013 at 1:53 pm

      There is not always a post on a Friday…but there is a post for a Saturday!


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