Archive for February 25th, 2013

Feb 25 2013

Monday, February 25

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Welcome back to another exciting week! Third Grade: IXL D7, If you still need pictures or a map  for your Geography project, please locate a few, read and record, practice your words and multiplication. Fourth Grade:  IXL E9, read and record, practice your speech for tomorrow’s presentation{we will be setting up in the cafegymatorium at […]

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Feb 25 2013

Parent-Student- Teacher Conferences

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To schedule a conference time, please leave me a comment on the blog and I will put you into the schedule. The times and dates are listed at the top of the blog under {March} **Parent-Student-Teacher conferences** Please be sure to bring your student!

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Feb 25 2013

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Wax Museum BookMark

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Feb 25 2013

ScIeNcE AdVeNtUrEs!

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Physical Changes with Creme Brulee!!

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