Archive for February, 2013

Feb 20 2013

Wednesday, February 20

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

I can’t believe how quickly this month has gone by! Homework: Third Grade: IXL D1, read and record on new reading log, practice multiplication facts. Fourth Grade: IXL E1, read and record, bring in Wax Museum bookmark information so we can complete them, practice math facts

24 responses so far

Feb 19 2013

Tuesday, February 19

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

I hope you had a great LOOOONG weekend! Homework: Third Graders: IXL C11, read and record Fourth Graders : IXL D14, read and record, {Please make sure you have your Wax Museum bookmark ready to type into a PDF for Thursday, February 21} {PARENTS OF FOURTH GRADERS: Anyone who would like to help us with […]

24 responses so far

Feb 15 2013

Friday, February 15

Published by under Homework

Happy Friday! No school Monday! Enjoy! {Fourth Graders: The final draft of your Pioneer Essay was to be turned in today. There must have been some sort of miscommunication, because I only received three. Please be sure to bring in your thumb drive, information so that the essays will be finished and ready to print […]

12 responses so far

Feb 14 2013

Thursday, February 14

Published by under Homework

Happy Valentines Day! Everyone received a Homework Free Pass for today! Have a lovely evening! Here is a fun FRACTIONS website to practice some simple fraction lessons.

21 responses so far

Feb 13 2013

Wednesday, February 13

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

What a great day! I can’t wait to see your crystal hearts! Homework: Third and Fourth: Read and record, practice multiplication, don’t forget Valentine boxes and no-candy-valentines. Third: IXL C3                                             Fourth: IXL D7 […]

22 responses so far

Feb 12 2013

Tuesday, February 12

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Don’t forget your permission slip! They are due by Wednesday… {I know it says Third Grade, but it applies to Fourth as well…} *Also, there are only four students who need to turn in their plans for next year sheet and return it by Friday.* Homework: Third: Read and record your minutes, practice your multiplication […]

21 responses so far

Feb 09 2013

<3 Valentine List <3

Published by under Uncategorized

Third Graders: Noah B Jessie Kayla Justin Brinley Alyssa Bryan Tyler Emily Noah R Grayson Madison Fourth Graders: Ethan B McCartney Eli Leah Tyler D Braxton Isaac Joshua Tyler M Ethan O Jackson Braden  

14 responses so far

Feb 07 2013

Thursday, February 7

Published by under Uncategorized

We will miss our Hannah, but we are sure she will love Idaho! We will be having a Valentine Party, so any parents who wish to volunteer will be more than welcome! {a list of names will be posted tomorrow. students should also plan on bringing in a decorated box for their Valentines. if one […]

29 responses so far

Feb 06 2013

Wednesday, February 6

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Wasn’t the Science Fair great at Quest 2.0?! Homework: Fourth: IXL B3, read and record on your reading log, practice multiplication facts, be sure to have your brainstorm page ready for Monday! Third: IXL A3, read and record on your reading log, practice multiplication facts. Have a great evening!

20 responses so far

Feb 05 2013

Tuesday, February 5

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

It is nice to be back! Fourth graders have been given a project today for the Wax Museum. The due dates are listed on the first page. This is a Fourth Grade wide project, not just our class. If there are any questions, please let me know! {Their is a typo…the Night at the Museum […]

38 responses so far

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