Archive for April 24th, 2013

Apr 24 2013

Update on Upcoming Field Trips

Published by under Uncategorized

First of all, thank you again to those who attended our last field trip! It was a bit chilly and a rough start, but all in all a good time was had by all! Secondly, I want to apologize for the confusion with the FrontRunner fees. It was much higher than I was initially told […]

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Apr 24 2013

Wednesday, April 24

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

Tonight, practice about three items…you know best what you need a smidge more review! **Testing is tomorrow and Friday from 9:30 – 10:30…you may bring in your own snack, nothing to share.** REMEMBER TO EAT A GOOD DINNER, SLEEP WELL, AND EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST! YOU ARE AMAZING!

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