Apr 24 2013

Update on Upcoming Field Trips

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First of all, thank you again to those who attended our last field trip! It was a bit chilly and a rough start, but all in all a good time was had by all! Secondly, I want to apologize for the confusion with the FrontRunner fees. It was much higher than I was initially told and what I passed along. I am so sorry! Rest assured, I have it all taken care of for the next trip! So if you are planning on attending the Apple Store or the Dinosaur Museum, your fares are covered and you will not need to pay for the FrontRunner. There may be a $6 entrance fee for the Dinosaur Museum for chaperones…..but I am working on that one! The Ogden Nature Center has no other fee, that I am currently aware of, other than the $3 student fee. Thank you for all that you do to ensure your student is successful and able to participate in the many adventures planned for them this year!!

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