Archive for May 15th, 2013

May 15 2013

Field Day Update….

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This is an email to teachers from POQA: “When students arrive at school, they will NOT go out to the playground, but will go directly to their classrooms. Once they have all arrived, teachers will bring them to the gym, leaving their lunches (in a class tote or other) in the hallway outside the gym.  […]

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May 15 2013

Wednesday, May 15

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Where is the time going?!?! Third Graders: Read and Record your minutes. Fourth Graders: Don’t forget your sodas for tomorrow’s Pizza Party, here at school, from 5-6pm! ****Any Fourth Grade parent who is willing to help out with the Economic Fair on Friday from 1:15 – 2:30 would be more than welcome!**** {Our next and […]

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