Archive for August, 2013

Aug 16 2013


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Thanks for coming out to Back to School Night! It was so great to see all the bright and eager faces! I can’t wait to get this party started on Monday!!

5 responses so far

Aug 11 2013

Supply list for 2013-2014 school year

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Just as an FYI…there is a tab on the blog that has the supply list all ready to go! If there are any questions about the items, please let me know! See ya Thursday night!

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Aug 08 2013

Back to School Night!!!

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It is almost here!! Bring your beach towels and join me at Tucker Beach at Quest Academy on Thursday, August 15 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. We will be chatting about the new adventures we are embarking on this year! Hope to see you there!

4 responses so far

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