Dec 02 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Welcome back from a fantastic break! I am so happy we are all back together again!

Words Their Way: Sort and Alphabetize according to category
Read at least 20 minutes. The next book report is Fantasy/Science Fiction. The project will not be due until January 17.
Math: Enrich Lesson 10, Chapter 5….math test tomorrow

Math-At-Home calendars for December were distributed today. It is due December 20. {DO NOT FORGET TO TURN IN YOUR NOVEMBER CALENDAR! PLEASE TURN THEM IN BY TOMORROW!}
A SPOW was distributed today as well. It is due December 13.

{We have a field trip coming up on December 17, to see the famous Isaac in the Nutcracker performance at Peery’s Egyptian Theater. I would love to take every parent who would like to attend, but alas, I am unable to. I am working to get a few more chaperone spots, as we will be taking the FrontRunner and then walking about in Ogden.  As it stands, I am allowed two chaperones. I am thinking that the best way to handle the chaperone situation is to have all who want to chaperone let me know on the blog and then I will randomly select two from  a hat. Please let me know by Friday, December 6 so we can post the decision at that time.}  Currently our next field trip is scheduled for March 2 to the Symphony in Salt Lake.

41 responses so far

41 Responses to “Monday, December 2, 2013”

  1.   Bryton Tolmanon 02 Dec 2013 at 3:19 pm

    I loved watching the fox video today! See you tomorrow!


  2.   aubrysavageon 02 Dec 2013 at 3:21 pm

    Today was great see you guys all tomorrow


  3.   Malyaon 02 Dec 2013 at 3:39 pm

    HI I likrd lesrning about our spow


  4.   Maddison Rogers & her mom Emilyon 02 Dec 2013 at 3:40 pm

    I liked all of today. Welcome to our class breanna!!!


  5.   Leah Davison 02 Dec 2013 at 3:48 pm

    Today I liked doinv lit center’s.


  6.   Leah Davison 02 Dec 2013 at 3:49 pm

    My mom wants to go to the nut cracker.


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 4:11 pm

      I put her on the list!


  7.   Tyler Dayon 02 Dec 2013 at 4:00 pm

    I really loved watching the fox video about how he used a magnetic field to find the mice. It was super fascinating. The one about the Disney animation was really cool as well. I loved to hear about everybody’s break. Welcome to our class Breanna. I hope I spelled it right. 🙂


    •   olivia/NEW NAME! Birdyon 02 Dec 2013 at 4:23 pm

      Yep you did you spelled Breanna right. 🙂 🙂


  8.   Ethan Barkeron 02 Dec 2013 at 4:05 pm

    I liked reading my book the Demigod Files from Rick Riordan! Welcome to the class Breanna. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  9.   Andrea Barkeron 02 Dec 2013 at 4:07 pm

    I’d be happy to throw my name into the hat to help chaperone the fieldtrip. Just let me know.


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 4:11 pm

      consider yourself thrown in!


  10.   olivia/NEW NAME! Birdyon 02 Dec 2013 at 4:20 pm

    I really think that Breanna will like this class. I think she is really nice! 🙂 🙂 And I think my mom MIGHT be able to come so don’t add her to your list of chaprones, yet until I put the awnsers on another post. Thanks! 🙂 🙂 I can’t stop laughing about that fox!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂


    •   olivia/NEW NAME! Birdyon 02 Dec 2013 at 5:06 pm

      My mom has to work that day.


      •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 8:47 pm

        okee dokee!


  11.   Tyler Dayon 02 Dec 2013 at 4:25 pm

    Can you put my mom’s name in the hat? I wish we could have you more people come.


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 5:02 pm

      I will put her name in.. I requested a total of ten chaperone seats…we will see!


  12.   Jacob kelleyon 02 Dec 2013 at 4:44 pm

    Mrs. Tucker, my grandmother would like to come, ok.


    •   Jacob kelleyon 02 Dec 2013 at 4:44 pm

      on the field trip.


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 5:02 pm

      I will put her name in the hat


  13.   Tyler Mindrumon 02 Dec 2013 at 4:55 pm

    The fox clip was awesome it jumped so high!


  14.   Tyler Dayon 02 Dec 2013 at 4:59 pm

    For the SPOW do we right down the paper on another piece of paper and then just put down information with that category. I couldn’t remember. Thanks!:)


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 5:02 pm

      Yes. You answer the questions and show your procedure and data on a separate piece of paper.


  15.   Megan/Marshmallowon 02 Dec 2013 at 5:15 pm

    Mrs. Tucker………. I’m putting up my Christmas tree!! Yay!!! November flew by and I hope December doesn’t because the it’s a new year and then the school year is almost half over!! 🙁 But let’s not get ahead of ourselves!! 🙂 I’m also helping mom choose paint for my NEW room!!! 🙂 have a fantabulous night!!! 😀


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 8:47 pm

      Sounds like you are having all kinds of adventures!!


  16.   Tyler Dayon 02 Dec 2013 at 5:19 pm

    Can you put my dad’s in the hat too. If we only get the two chaperones and both of them get drawn it is okay for you take out their name a draw another chaperone.


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 8:46 pm

      I will put his name in too!


  17.   McCartney Blyon 02 Dec 2013 at 5:28 pm

    Best part of the day was centers. And with the enrich math paper I didn’t get it because I checked out, can I print it out on the blog or is it not on here?


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 8:46 pm

      It wouldn’t upload to QACTUBE… you can work on it tomorrow…


  18.   Bowman the all Great and Powerful!on 02 Dec 2013 at 5:32 pm

    My favorite parts of the day were one, that video of the fox using the disturbance in the force to find his pray. That was cool but, you have to admit when he head planted into the snow it was hilarious! 😀 Also, WELCOME BREANNE!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀


  19.   Tammyon 02 Dec 2013 at 5:34 pm

    I want to chaperone. 🙂


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 8:45 pm

      I will throw your name into the hat! I requested more chaperone spots, so we will see if we can get enough for everyone to go!


  20.   Isaacon 02 Dec 2013 at 5:35 pm

    I liked watching the fox video


  21.   Amyah Jade Crozieron 02 Dec 2013 at 6:05 pm

    Hope you all had a great day. See you all tomorrow!


  22.   Lia Pioon 02 Dec 2013 at 6:22 pm

    Hello! Mrs. Tucker I didn’t get what you said to Mcartny, I don’t know how to spell your name Mcartny if I’m spelling your name wrong I’m sorry, and me about the Nanowrimo thing. Can you tell me agien?


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 8:44 pm

      Just bring in your NANO tomorrow and we will try to figure it out. 🙂


  23.   MATTHEW JUDKINSon 02 Dec 2013 at 6:49 pm

    I thought the video of the fox going face first into 3 feet deep snow trying to catch mice was awesome and super funny!


  24.   McKenna Martenon 02 Dec 2013 at 7:10 pm

    My mom would love to go! She’s been trying to get me to me to go for years! Haha. If she could go, that’d be awesome! Thanks.


    •   Sara Tuckeron 02 Dec 2013 at 8:44 pm

      I will put her name in!


  25.   Alexus Davison 02 Dec 2013 at 7:58 pm

    Today was really fun! C U guys tomorrow!

    Joke of the day:
    What do you call a camel in hiding?
    Stay tuned tomorrow for the answer 🙂


  26.   Braxtoniaon 02 Dec 2013 at 8:28 pm

    My favorite part of the day was when we did our electricity and magnetism!! 🙂 🙂 🙂


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