Archive for the 'Homework' Category

Nov 07 2012

Wednesday, November 7

Published by under Homework

We had a great time learning about art today! {Thank you Mrs. Pittman!} Homework for Third and Fourth Graders Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Practice your Words Their Way spelling words. {SPOW due tomorrow.} Practice our class theme song!

53 responses so far

Nov 06 2012

Tuesday, November 6

Published by under Homework,Social Studies

Happy Election Day! During our class election, we counted our votes and the class “elected” Mr. Romney for President! OUR five class Presidents are Noah B., Tyler D., Madison, Ethan O., and Emily! Congratulations! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log. Comment on the blog about your observations of the Presidential Election process. SPOW is due November 8 Brainiac is due November 30 Book Report is due November 27

58 responses so far

Nov 05 2012

Monday, November 5

Published by under Homework,Social Studies

We are having a Presidential Week! We will be voting tomorrow for Class President and for United States President! {Thanks to Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Ellsworth for creating our voting booth and ballot box!!} Students are to use the following link, , to create their commercial and then email the address to me so we can use it to create a QR code that will be placed on their election poster in the hallway. {if you want 5 bonus points, email me your QR code too! } We have begun to work on our novel for NANOWRIMO. Students may write at home using the address, Our goal is to write 10,000 words! Students should bring in their flash drive so that they can save their writing done at school and home.

54 responses so far

Nov 01 2012

Thursday, November 1

Published by under Homework,Social Studies

A great discussion about Presidents and how they are elected took place today! Our Presidential Unit is underway! Homework for Third and Fourth Graders: Read for 20 minutes and record on reading log. Brainiac due November 30: Words for the written report are 200. There also needs to be a visual, your choice. SPOW November 8 November Book Report: Read a book about a President and then create a puppet. The puppet may be a sock puppet, paper bag puppet, paper mache puppet, stick puppet…{you get the idea that it can be a creation of your choosing?!} You will be presenting the information learned about your President using your puppet. You will have to present at least 8 facts about your President. You will have two minutes to present your information.Due: November 27

32 responses so far

Oct 30 2012

Tuesday, October 30

Published by under Homework

What amazing kiddos! Homework for Third and Fourth: Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Practice spelling/wtw words. Prepare and practice a 30 second “commercial” for your book to be presented during the Open House. Bring in your book report book so it can sit on your desk during the Open House Open House Tomorrow from 10am-11am. We would love for parents to come by and see our work! *…Outfits for Open House will be worn only during the Open House and must be changed out of and back into uniform at the end…* {Tomorrow is an EARLY OUT DAY! Please be here promptly to pick up your student… and no dress down..}

34 responses so far

Oct 29 2012

Monday, October 29

Published by under Homework

Welcome to another FaNtAbUlOuS week at Tucker Beach! Homework for Third and Fourth: Read for 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Practice your spelling/ Words Their Way words. Have a great evening!

22 responses so far

Oct 25 2012

Thursday, October 25

Published by under Homework

FaNtAbUlOuS BRAINIACS!!! homework for third and fourth graders: Book Report due MONDAY!!! SPOW due November 8. Read for 20 minutes and record on your reading log. {One of our students will be presenting a Brainiac on chocolate tomorrow. Part of her presentation involves tasting different kinds. If your child is allowed to taste the chocolate, please email me today, otherwise I will not be allowed to have them try the chocolates. Thanks!} NO SHORT DAY TOMORROW OR DRESS DOWN!

37 responses so far

Oct 24 2012

Wednesday, October 24

Published by under Homework

Homework For Third and Fourth Grade: If you saved $1000 a month, how long would it take you to save $2.5 billion dollars? Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. BRAINIAC DUE TOMORROW! Third Graders will present beginning at 12:30pm and Fourth Graders will present beginning at 1pm… Book Report due Monday, October 29. Positive ME posters are due tomorrow if you are doing one…it is not an assignment! The voting booth and ballot box are being completed! {Thanks Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Ellsworth!}

26 responses so far

Oct 23 2012

Tuesday, October 23

Published by under Homework

SnOw! Wow!! Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Wear red tomorrow as a part of “Positive Me” week. Brainiac due October 25. October Book Report due October 29. We ran out of time to explain the SPOW…it will go home tomorrow… {Volunteer Opportunity: We will be making a voting booth for our election activity that will be taking place on November 6. Once we have the box, we will need help painting it so it looks more official than just a box….any takers?} ***The end of the grading period is FRIDAY.. no late work will be accepted after Wednesday*** Report Cards will not be printed, but accessed through SIS!

42 responses so far

Oct 22 2012

Monday, October 22

Published by under Homework

Homework for Third and Fourth Grade: Read 20 minutes and record in your planner…hopefully we will have the reading logs tomorrow… Brainiac due October 25 Book Report due October 29 New SPOW coming home tomorrow! Write a comment on the blog… Have MaRvElOuS mOnDaY!

44 responses so far

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