Archive for the 'Language Arts' Category

Jan 23 2013

Wednesday, January 23

Another indoor day…ugh! Homework: Read and record your minutes in your planner. Practice Multiplication facts! Your Own Planet project is due Friday…. ABC Astronomy is due FEBRUARY 5…changed from February 1. Fourth Graders only: Pedigree Chart {family tree} due Friday. {heads up…for Valentines Day….decorate a box at home for your valentines to be placed in. remember, no candy}

28 responses so far

Jan 22 2013

Tuesday, January 22

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Welcome back from a quick break! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record in planner. *practice your multiplication facts EvErY night!* Since my printer is out of ink, I am not able to print off the Words Their Way list today. So, please print them off, cut, and sort them out and bring them in for tomorrow. {thanks!} Blue 11 Blue 12 Blue 13 Blue 14 Blue 15 Blue 26 Green 50 Green 52 Green 53

30 responses so far

Jan 17 2013

Thursday, January 17

So happy to be back! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on reading log. Group planet report due tomorrow. Be sure to bring in your Words their Way words! Don’t forget your Library books!

32 responses so far

Jan 15 2013

Tuesday, January 15

Planet painting is underway! I love the creativity! Homework: Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Work on Astronomy projects. Practice Multiplication facts. {there may or may not be a multiplication quiz tomorrow…   🙂  } Have a great evening! {i will not be here tomorrow…i am not feeling so swell…see you on Thursday!}

43 responses so far

Jan 10 2013

Thursday, January 10

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

What a grand day! Homework tonight: Read 20 minutes and record in planner. Tomorrow we will be completing our Operation Valentine project for Primary Children’s Hospital.     {Here is a quick iMovie of  our quilting Service Learning activity we completed before Christmas Break. Quilting 101}

32 responses so far

Dec 13 2012

Thursday, December 13

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

Tonight’s homework: Work on finding words for your ABC Astronomy book.Read for 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Tomorrow is library, don’t forget your library books! ***Tomorrow is $1 dress down!!!*** {Parents: We are working on an elf application. Students need a letter of recommendation for their preferred job. Please ask them what they are applying for and write them a letter of recommendation. I would love to have them by Tuesday, December  18, Thanks!!} **We will be having our Christmas Parties for the Third Grade on Friday  from 12 to 1 and the Fourth grade on Thursday from 2p – 3p. Any parents who would like to volunteer, would be welcome! Please email me if you are interested in helping out!** If there are any parents who would like to help out with the blankets, please let me know days and times! Thanks so much!!

34 responses so far

Dec 05 2012

Tuesday, December 5

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Rainy day… Homework for tonight: Read for 20 minutes and record on your reading log. Find an object in the house to measure the perimeter and area of. Record the measurements and item in your planner. {for example: If I pick my nightstand, I will measure the top of it to find the length and width. Then I will add all the sides to get the perimeter. Lastly I will multiply the length and width to get the area. I will record all of this information in my planner, under the Mathematics section Write a list of any other adjectives you would like to include on your Wordle. Have a splashtastic evening! ****dont’ forget that tomorrow is Grandparents Night…5 – 7 pm**** I will be here…smiling!

39 responses so far

Aug 21 2012

August 21 homework

Published by under Language Arts

Tonight students are responsible for getting their planner signed, as they should every night, and bringing in their tear-off from their Parent Handbook. This week the homework is to get into the practice of writing the homework assignment down and getting the planner signed. Thanks for all you do! Mrs. Tucker

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