Archive for the 'Language Arts' Category

Nov 12 2013

Tuesday, November 11, 2013

Happy 11-12-13! AND only 123 days of school left….{Just some fun with numbers since the math program was not working today}

{We are going to begin our blanket project and would love to have some parents come in next week to help us get them done. Let me know if you are interested! Thanks!}

Read for at least 20 minutes.

WTW: Alphabetize the words within their category.

Writing: Complete your Worried Turkey essay and disguise your turkey…both are due tomorrow.

Great job on your Humanities Project, Aubry!

IMG_0234 IMG_0235 IMG_0236 IMG_0237

23 responses so far

Nov 08 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Published by under Language Arts

Be sure to check for an email from NANOWRIMO to set up your password…and bring it in on Monday!

Grades are all updated in SIS…check them out!

The file folder game book report went home today…

Have a great weekend!!

11 responses so far

Nov 07 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Great Humanities Project, Jacob and Ms. Spencer!

IMG_0214 IMG_0215 IMG_0216 IMG_0217 IMG_0218

AND fun with magnets!

IMG_0207 IMG_0208 IMG_0209 IMG_0210 IMG_0211
Read at least 20 minutes
WTW: Sort and glue
Email address for NANO sign-up
Tomorrow is the final day to get your fable, fairy tale, mythology book signed off.

{NANOWRIMO} Just so parents are aware, students are working on a 10,000 word novel for National Novel Writing Month. They have each made a goal of at least 10,000 words to have completed by November 30. It is not assigned for homework, but may be worked on at home. IT IS FOR A GRADE…this project aligns with writing, typing, technology, and testing standards. The reason they need an email address, either their own or a parent’s, is for password creation purposes. thanks!

26 responses so far

Nov 04 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Happy Monday!

homework: cut and sort your words. Write them into their categories nd bring in tomorrow.

Read at least 20 minutes.
finish your math sheet

and of course comment on the blog….as is the assignment everyday we are in school… discussed in class on many occasions….:)

31 responses so far

Oct 28 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Can you even believe it is the end of October?!?

Don’t forget about the photo fundraiser! Here is the link to all the information!

Great job on your Humanities Project, Braxtonia!!

IMG_0194 IMG_0195 IMG_0197 IMG_0198 IMG_0196

Read 20 minutes or more…remember to get your folk tale, fable, fairytale, myth, or mythology book checked off EARLY!!! {If your book is not approved at least two weeks before the project is due, then the project will not be accepted.} Books should be approved by November 8.
WTW: sort and define 12 words
Math: Math Calendar and math facts

24 responses so far

Oct 24 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fire drill adventures…lesson to be learned, no fog machines in the classroom…

Great job on your Humanities Project, Leah D!

WTW: glued sort
Math: We have a test on Chapter 3 {Division with one divisor, missing or extra information, and  estimate}
Book Report pumpkins are due tomorrow. We will write the summary for your book on a 3×5 card in class.

No Boys and Girls Club Friday.
Students can buy milk cards at the office anytime.
Lost and Found is full! Please check for lost items before November 1st. On November 1st, all items will be donated to D.I.

22 responses so far

Oct 22 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fun, fun, fun!!!!

Read 20 minutes or more
WTW: Speed sort and then incorporate at least 10 words into a story
Math: none for the evening. We will be having a math test on Chapter 3 on Friday.

{The end of term is this Friday. Any “0” grades will need to be made up and turned in for half credit by Thursday. Report cards will be available on the 30th.}

35 responses so far

Oct 21 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Back to the grindstone!!
Great job Alexus on your Humanities Project!!

The long awaited Brainiac Movie is now showing!!!

Read for 20 minutes or more…Your Mystery Book Report is due on Friday! {Just as a reminder…you are decorating a pumpkin as a character from your story and then summarizing the book. Also tell us why you chose to decorate your pumpkin after the character you did.}

Words Their Way:  Speed sort and then write them down in descending order of syllables.

1. A total of 47 students signed up to play soccer. If there are 4 teams, how many will be on each team?

2. Joel has 59 songs on his iPod. If he puts them into 7 groups, how many songs will there be in each group?

{I have 5 sets of lamination projects that need to be trimmed. If there are any parents who would like to cut them out at home for volunteer hours, I would be most appreciative…just let me know! thanks!}

42 responses so far

Oct 14 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

Fantabulous Monday!!
Read 20 minutes or more
No Words Their Way this week
Math: Solve and check:
1. 586 / 2   
2. 639 / 4
3. 1577 / 6

Thank you Malya for teaching us a terrific art project for fall! Here is your video!IMG_0149 IMG_0152
And thank you Taven for moving your project to today and showing us Garage Band!! Rock on!! Unfortunately, I was unable to upload the music created..  Here is your video!
IMG_0146 IMG_0147

21 responses so far

Oct 10 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another great Thursday!! Here is Megan’s humanities Video!! Great job!!

Thank you Henry for a great Humanities lesson today! Here is your video!!IMG_0136 IMG_0138 IMG_0137
Don’t forget that Brainiacs are due on Tuesday…a 150 word research paper and a visual…

Read at least 20 minutes
Words Their Way: Sort and then glue words (be sure to label paper with sort number)
Math: Practice math facts and complete your calendar day.

{Any parents who are able to help out with the Halloween Party on the 31st from 10 – 11:30, it would be greatly appreciated! Mrs. Rogers has everything planned, she would just like a few more volunteers.  Thanks to Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Bly, Mr. Fong, Mrs. Bird, and Mrs. Clark who have volunteered thus far!!!}

33 responses so far

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