Archive for the 'Language Arts' Category

Sep 20 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Published by under Language Arts

What a great day! Amazing commercials! Creative and artistic cereal boxes! Terrific!!

Here are our commercials!

Ethan B.   Olivia   McCartney  Taven   Eli   Amyah   Alexus   Leah   Tyler D.   Hannah   Malya   Braxton   Isaac  Joshua   Henry   Matthew   Jacob   Bowman   Megan   McKenna    Tyler M.   Lia   Jackson   Maddison   Aubry   Bryton   

Have a great weekend!

*** just as FYI…Box Tops, Labels for Education, and Coke Rewards are due by Friday, September 27.***

also….any book orders need to be turned in by Wednesday, September 25… Thanks!

19 responses so far

Sep 19 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

So many adventures on the high seas at Tucker Beach! An invasion of Pirates!! We researched their lives….we found buried treasure…we used maps that we found to locate the treasure…oh so many adventures!!!

Here are the videos of our pirate research!

Black Bart
Black Sam
Anne Bonny
Captain Kidd
Calico Jack
Henry Morgan
El Dragon

Pirate Chores:
Argh! Read ye book for 20 minutes or more, matey!
Ye book reports be do tomorrow, ye land lubbers!
yer speelling words be due tomorrow, or ye swab the deck!
Avoid the Kraken!! The Kraken ate my pirate chores will not work!

23 responses so far

Sep 18 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

What a day! Much was learned about matter!!!

Read for 20 minutes or more
Spelling Contract 
Use the area model to solve the following problems:
1. 68 x 9   2. 45 x 4   3. 12 x 3  4. 93 x 7

bonus: k (c+b+a+e+g)

27 responses so far

Sep 17 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Math

ALL SPOWs were turned in today! Wahooie! On to Brainiacs! We will discuss this in more detail tomorrow.  **ACK! I forgot to hand out pictures today! We will have to remember to send them home tomorrow!**

Read 20 minutes or more
Spelling Contract
Use the area model, create your model, and solve each problem.
1. 37 x 5   2. 8 x 75     3. 28 x 4     4. 16 x 3

46 responses so far

Sep 16 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts,Math

Welcome back for another awesome week!

**Don’t forget about the fundraiser at Chik-Filet tonight from 5 – 7!!!**

SPOW is due tomorrow…

Read 20 minutes or more
Spelling contract
Find the pattern, create a table, and solve
1. In a recent year, one United States dollar was equal to about 82 Japanese yen. How many Japanese yen are equal to $100?  $1000?  $10,000?

2. Betsy is saving to buy an aquarium. She save $1 the first week, $3 the second week, $9 the third week asd so on. How much money will she save in 5 weeks?

50 responses so far

Sep 09 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Published by under Language Arts,Science

And we’re off on another grand adventure!

Spelling Contract
Read for 20 minutes or more
Comment on Blog
SPOW due on September 17
Book report due on September 20
Book Orders due September 20

54 responses so far

Sep 05 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

We have finished with our first chapter in math……so we will have our first test on Place Value tomorrow.
The directions and template for the book report are on the blog, so you may work on it when you are ready to! 
Read 20 minutes or more
Comment on the blog
Spelling Contract is due tomorrow…spelling test tomorrow!

70 responses so far

Sep 03 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Published by under Homework,Language Arts

**Just an FYI….POQA has information posted on Facebook under Quest! Be sure to check our school blog and website for information on committee meetings, information on dress down, voting and school notifications. **

Homework: Spelling contract, read for 20 minutes or more, comment on the blog, SPOW (Science Project of the Week) was passed out today and is due on September 17. Be sure to be working on your book for your book report that is due on September 20. The project will be given out tomorrow.

35 responses so far

Aug 29 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Published by under Language Arts

Gummy Bear Science was a success!! A stinky one too!
Gummy Bear recap video!    Gummy bear recap take 2!
Homework and Reminders:
Complete your spelling contract, it is due tomorrow!
Read for 20 minutes or more.
Comment on the blog.


Also: Ethan B, Olivia, and McCartney have their ME bag tomorrow!

48 responses so far

Aug 27 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Published by under Language Arts

So, what do you think of our new class pet? I think Filet is a cutie!!

Work on spelling contract.
Read 20 minutes or more.
Post on the blog.
Have a great evening!!

52 responses so far

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